British BSIA Drops Hikvision Award Nomination After UK MP Protest

Published Jun 30, 2022 12:48 PM

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has removed an award nomination for Hikvision after a Member of Parliament called out the decision. Hikvision also removed its own post touting the nomination.

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The BSIA did not address the removal in comments to IPVM, instead noting that Hikvision "is not a member" and "is not attending" the awards ceremony. At the ceremony's entrance, an activist handed out leaflets calling out "abuse", "torture", and "genocide".

In this post, IPVM examines this incident which highlights Hikvision UK's struggles to do business as usual amid unprecedented scrutiny from politicians and activists.

British ******** ****** *******

** **** ****'******** ******** ******,***** **** **** ********* ** ******, Hikvision ** ************ ******** * ******* *** ** "********** security *******" ** ********:

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*******, ** **** **, ************ ** Iain ****** *********** ****** **** ** "*******" *** ********** over ********* ************ "*** **** ***** of *******":

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***** *** *****, *** **** ******* any ******* ** ********* ******* *******:

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MP **** "******* ********"

** **** ****** ***** *************** ******** *** ***** *** *** "correct ********":

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**** ***** ** **********, ** *************** *** ******* * ********* ***, ****** "*** will ** *** *** *** ** these ******?" *** "*** ** ******'* name *** ********** *********** ***** ***** it?"

Hikvision ******* **** ****** "********* *** ********"

********* ********* ******** *** ********** ** a ****,******** ****:

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** *** ****, ********* **'* ********* director****** ************ "**’** ********* *** ******** ** be ********* *** **** *****":

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*******, ***** *** **'* *****, *** post *** ******* ****** ***** ** ****:

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********* *** *** ******* ** ****'* comment ******* ***** *** ***** *******.

BSIA ****** *** ******** ** ********** *******

**** ***** **** *** ** *** removed *********, *** **** ******* *** question, ********** ********* **** ********* "** not * ****** ** *** **** and **** [***] *** ********* *** event":

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*** ******* ******** ****** **** ******* 25 ***** *** ** ********* *** industry *** ************ ***** ********* ** the ***** **** *** ********** ** above *** ****** ** ******* ****** and ********. ** ** **** ** members *** ***-******* *** *** *********** are ******** ** * ******* ***** made ** ** *********** ******* **** across *** ********.

*** ****’* ****** ** ** ****** UK ********** ******** & ****** *** currently ***** ** ** ********** ******* on *** ***** ** ******** ** the ******* ******** **.With ********* ** *** *********** ** *** ******, **** ******* ** *** * ****** ** *** **** *** **** *** ********* *** *****. [emphasis added]

**** ******** ** ****** *** *** nomination *** *******, *** **** *** not *******. ** **** **, ** will ******.

Activist *********** ****** ** ****** ********

***** ********* *** *** ****** *** awards ********, **** ******, ***** ******* for **** ***** (***** ** *********** to *** *********) ***** ******* *** entrance *** ****** *** "***** * dozen ******" ******* *** *********'* *********** in "*****", "*******", *** "********":

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** *******, **** **********"********* ***'* *** **** ******* **** dropped *** ** *** ***** & blocked ** ** ******* *** ******* if ****** ****** **** ** ** them **** ***** *** *********."

**** ******** *** ******** ** ***** flyers ** * **** ******** **** Tibet's ************** ** *********'* ************.

Impact ********

*** ****'* ********** ** *********'* ********** further ********** *** ******** *** ********* brand *** ****** ** *** **, with *** *******'* ****-**** ** ******** at ****.
