BRS Sues Founder, Allegedly Stole $15 Million

Published Feb 13, 2017 18:06 PM

The disaster of BRS Labs continues to unfold. 

BRS Labs, after $100+ million in investment and now known as Giant Gray, has sued their founder Ray Davis and his son:

The deceit employed by Defendants to conceal their fraud and breach of duties knew no bounds and went undetected for years -- resulting in their theft of more than $15 million from the Company

We have obtained the company's petition in Texas court and it reads like a Hollywood screenplay.

Inside this note, we examine the issues involved and the future for BRS / Giant Gray.

No ******

*** ** *** ****** ***** **** to ********* **** **** **** *********** was **** ** *** *** **** a ******, *********** **** *** ********* success *** **** ** *** *******'* success / ****. **** **** ********** that.

Petition ******

**** *** ** **** ***** **** / *** / ***** ********.

Antiques **********

*** ***** ******* ** *** ******** is ***** * ********** ******:

*** ********* *.*. ****** ******** ***** that *.*. ******’* ********* ******* *** be ***** ** *** ******* *******, Springvale, ********, *********. ** *** **** a ****** ****** ****** *** *.*. Farrow, *** ***** ******** **** *.*. Farrow ** ** ********** *** ****** away ** ***** **, **** *** is ****** ** *** ********** ********* Cemetery. *** ********** ********* ******** ** located ** -- **** **** ****** -- *** ******* *******, **********, ********, Australia.

*** ******** ******* **** ***** **** ******* funds ** *** ******** ** **** a ******* ******:

** *** ** *.*. ******? ** reality, *.*. ****** ** *** ****** -- ** *********** ****** ***** ** the ****** ******* *** ********* ******** and **** * ******* ** ******** to *** *****. ******* ************** ******* *** Davis *** *** ****** ****** ****** marketed **** ******** ** ** “******* bangle,” * “********* ********,” “***** **** rings,” *** “******** ****** ******,” ***** Ray ***** ****** ** ******** ** he ***** “**** * ******* ******” when ** *******.

Afcon ********** - $* *******

**** **, ** **** $* ******* in ******** ** '*****':

**** **** *.*. ******, ********** ********** and ******* *** ** **** ****** two ***** ******** ** ** ****** named ***** **************

*** *** **** *****? ********* *** Davis.

***** ** * *********** ********** ** and ********* ***** *** **** ** Wyoming.... * ***** ****** ** *** Wyoming ********* ** *****’* ******* ********** Afcon’s “*********/********” ** **** ***** **** Ray *****.

Blackstone ********** - ~$* *******

****** $* ******* ** **********:

** *****, ********** ********** *** ******* BRS ** **** ******** ** ********** Group ** ** ****** **$*,***,***.**.

*** *** ******** ******* ********** **** not *****:

***** ** ** ******** ******* *** and ********** *****, *** *** ***** any ******* ** *** ******* (********* any ****** **********) ******* **** ********** Group ******** *** ******** ** *** at *** ****. ******** *** **** Blackstone ***** ****** **********, ***** ** no *** ******** *** **** * company, *** *** ******* ** *** “invoices” ** *** * **** *******....  That *******, *******, ** *** ** office ******** ** ***** ********** ******** operates. ******, ** ** *** ******** of * *** *****.

*** ******** ***** ****** ** *** Davis:

** *** ***** ********* ** *** Company’s *******, **** *** ********* * payment ** ********** *****, * ************ was ******** ** ***’* **** ** Blackstone ******* *** *****’* ******** ***** *******! ** ******* ** *** ***only Company employee notified of the transactions with Blackstone Group.

Mirage - $*.* *******

**********, * ******* ***** '******' ** alleged:

** ****** **** ** ** ******** to ****** *** *** **** *** first ** ********** ** **** ******* that ****** ******** **, ******, * mirage – ********* ********, ******* ********* or *******. *** ***** ****** *** agreement **** ****** ********, ***** ********* business **** ****** ******** *** ***** did ******** ** *********. **********, ***’* records *** ****** ** * ****** invoice **** ****** ******** ********** *** payment ** ****** $*.* ******* ** Company *****, *** ***** ** ** email ******* *** *** ********* *** Mirage ********.

The *** ** *** / ***** ****?

*** **** / ***** **** *** long ***** ******* ***** *** ******. However, ** *** ****** ****** ** have **** ******** *** ********, ** company *** **** ***** ** *** in ***** ** ***** ******* ********, so **** ** *** **********. ****** how **** '*** * ***' ***** investors **** ****** ** ** **** *** the ******** **** *** ******* ** worryingly ****** ** ***** ***** ***********.

***** *********** *** **** *** *** money ***** ** ** **** ** well, ** ** **** **** ***** from **** ** **** ** ***** Gray.

Comments (16)
Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Feb 13, 2017

Who plays Ray in the movie????  You could not write a better script!!!!!!

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Feb 13, 2017

My vote is for John Lithgow. 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Feb 13, 2017


Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Feb 13, 2017

Undisclosed #4
Feb 13, 2017
IPVMU Certified

The Giant Gray goose is cooked.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Feb 14, 2017

There already is a screenplay for this.  Sounds like they need to call in The Accountant!

Luis Carmona
Feb 14, 2017
Geutebruck USA • IPVMU Certified

So I guess they were not the "smartest guys in the room"....

Undisclosed #4
Feb 14, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Giant Grift.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #6
Feb 14, 2017

So, which company is the next BRS/Giant Grey?  Knightscope?  

John Honovich
Feb 14, 2017

So, which company is the next BRS/Giant Grey? Knightscope?

That's funny because at least 3 people have independently made that comparison to me recently.

I actually don't agree, mainly because Knightscope has a real product that works (at least the fundamentals, I am excluding the hidden gun detection, etc.) and the founders seem more legit than BRS.

However, the way inflated expectations and the turn to raise money from mom n pops does draw some parallels. But my read on Knightscope is that this is just normal Silicon Valley shoot for the moon type execution rather than BRS bs.

Ed Vergara
Feb 15, 2017

That's a lot of mom n pops to fund $100 million.  But I know 3 business associates who invested in the company in the initial stages.  What a shame.

John Honovich
Feb 15, 2017

But I know 3 business associates who invested in the company in the initial stages.

3? Wow. How sad.

San Diego seemed to be a 'hotbed' for BRS Labs investors. One person who contacted me saying that they were an investor said that they were introduced by a waiter in a super high end restaurant. Strange deal. 

Sagy Amit
Feb 16, 2017

Ray Davis has a brother that lives in San Diego and managed to recruit a lot of investors from Southern CA.

Sagy Amit
Nov 10, 2019

I just received a letter in the mail reminding me of my two months affair with Giant Gray - Their attorney seeking to recover fees accumulated.

This affirms my belief that a product marketing manager, should be technically capable enough to test the product they promote publicly.

John Honovich
Nov 10, 2019

Sagy, thanks! What did the attorney want? Are any of the investors ever going to get any money back?

Sagy Amit
Nov 10, 2019

It is a general notice offering anyone with any prior dealings with the company the opportunity to object to a motion seeking to recover lawyer's fees. There is a courtroom hearing scheduled for Dec 9, 2019 in Houston if you're interested, LOL :)
