Northland Controls' BlackBear Labs "Interoperable Connectors" To "Open Up The Ecosystem"

Published Jun 27, 2024 13:31 PM

While end-to-end solutions and the pursuit of lock-in is a growing trend within physical security, one integrator, focused on serving large-scale end users, is taking a contrarian approach.

IPVM Image

In this report, based on an interview with Northland Control's CEO & Owner, Pierre Trapanese, we examine what Blackbear Labs does, how it aims to "open up the ecosystem," how it differs from PSIMs, its customers, and its goals.

For background on the company, see How Integrator Northland Aims To Be Independent For Generations To Come.

Executive *******

********* ****, * ******** ** ********* Controls, ******* ******** *********** ********* *** custom ************ / ********** *** *****, manufacturers, *** ***-***** ** ********* ********* systems. *** ******* ***** ** *** objective ** ** "**** ** *** ecosystem" *** **** ********* ********* "**** to **** *****."

****** *****, ***** ***** * *********** engine *** "****** **** ** *****," Blackbear **** ******** ******* **************, ** "plumbing," *** ************ *** *** ********** to ***** / ******* **** ** systems. **** ****** ************* ** ***** on **** ******* *********** *** ******* market ***** **** ************ ****** ******** building **** ***, ***** *** ** time-consuming ** *******.

******* *** ***** ******* ***** ***-**-*** systems, ***** ** * **** *** their ********, ********* **** ******* ********** about *** ******** *** ***** ******* to ********* ********* *******.

*******, ******* *** **** ** **** successful ************ **** ** ************ *********** for *** / *** ******. ****** manufacturers *********** ** *********** ****** ***** limit *** ***********'* ******* ** ******/***** its ****** *********** *** *** *********.

Black **** **** - ******* ** ************* **********

*** *** ********* ******* ** **** Black **** **** **:

[***** **** ****] ** * ******* of ************* **********. **************** ** ***** Bear ****; *** ********* ** ** open ** *** ********* ** **** different ********* **** ** **** *****.

Custom ********* / ************ **** ******** ** ********

******, **** *** *********** ***** ****** solutions / ************ ******* *********:

** *** ****** ***** ****** ********* or ****** ************ **** ******** ** platform. **** ** *** ********* *** manufacturers ** *** ****** ******* ** VMS **** *** **** ** ********* with ***** *********.

************, ***** ******* ********** "*** ***** of ************* ******** ************":

IPVM Image

******* ** **********-***** *********** ********* / ************** ** ****** ******* *****:

IPVM Image

Creating * ******** ******* ** **********, *** ***-****

***** **** ****** ****** ********* / custom ************, **** *** *** **** making **** ********* ********-**-******** ** ***** "one-offs" ** **** *** **** ** these ************ **** ********* * ******** ******* **** ********. *** ******* *******:

** ******** * *******, ** **** used **** *** **** *****, ** we *** *** ***** ********** ******** solutions ******** ** ******** **** ** unique ** ****. ** *** *** creating * ******** ** *** ** clean ********* **** *** ** ******, which ***** **** **** ******** **** time.

*** ******* ******* **** ***** *********** were ********** ***** ********, *** **** have ****** ******* ***** *** ***** or **** *** ** **** ***** integrations *****, ***** *** ** **** offering ***** ************ ** *****:

** *** ****** *** ** ** one-offs. ***-**** *** * *** ** silo ********* ** *** *********. ** every *********** ** * ****** ********, then ** ****** ** ****** ****** other *******. ** **** ***** ********** customers *** **** ***** ** ******* on *** ******** ** ** ****, and **** *** ****** **** ***** own ***** ** **** *** ** have ***** ************ *******.

* ********** ****** ** ***** **** large ******* ****** *********, *** **** were ****, "* **** * ***** share **** **** *** **** ** the ******** ******* * **** ** is ******** *** ** *** ***** be ******** *** ****," *** **** was *** *** ******* ******** ****. Now, ** *** ***** **** ******* we **** ***** ** * ****.

Uni-directional ** **-*********** ************

** **** **** ************ *** ** uni-directional ** **-********* *** *** "**** and **** ****":

** *** *** * *** *** you **** ** ****** ***** ****** from * *****, * ******** *****, or **** ***** ********, ** **** create **** *********** ** **** ***** events **. **** *** ** ***-*********** or **-***********. *** *** **** ********* today, ** **** ******* ************ **** their ** ******** ** ***** ****** control ******* ** ****** *********, ****** of *****, *** *** ******** **** own ***** **** **** ** **** and **** ****; ** **** ****** that *********.

*** ******* ********** ************ "*********" *** enterprise ********* **** ***** **** *** decades ** **** ***** ******* *** replacing ********* *** *** ** ******* end-to-end *********** ******* ********* ******* **** otherwise ***** *** **:

*** ********* *** *********. **** *** leading ****. ** *** ** ******* Valley, *** **** ****** ** ** test *** *** *** *******-**** ************ for ***** ************ *** ** ** able ** ******* ***** **** ** get **** ** **** *** **** them ** ***** ************. ** ** a *** ** ******** ** *******-**** technologies *** *** **** *** ********** into ***** *********. ******** ***** ** with * ********** *** ** **** not ****** **** **** *** *** other ********* **** **** ****.

Not * ****

*******, *** ******* **** **** *** not * **** ** **** ** not ***** * *********** ****** ** the "***** ***" ** "****** **** of *****":

** ** *** * **** ******* we *** *** ***** *** ***** end ** *** *********** *******. **** is **** *** **** **, *** other ****** *** ******* ** **** single **** ** *****, ******* *** the ************ ** *** *********** ******; if * *** ***** ***** ** four ****** *********, * ******* **** information, *** * **** **** ******** and **** *** **** ** **, or *************, **** ** * ****.

*** ** *** ******** ** ***** is, "* **** **** ** *** system, *** **** **** *** ****." Well, **** ** * ***. ** all ** *** ********** ******* *** not *******, *** **** ***** ******* layer ** ***** ****** *******, *** now *** **** ** *** ***** three ******* *** **** **** ****.

*******, **** *** ********* ************ **** platform ** ********, ************* ** *** not ** ********* **** ** *********** perspective *** *****:

** *** ****** *** ** ******** talk ** *** ****** ******* ********, which *** **** ** *** ****** database. ** **** * ******* ** employee, ** ***** ******* *** ******, but ****, ** ***** ** * customer **** ***** ***** ********* ******* that ** *** **** ** **** other, ** **** * *** ** make **** *** **** ********. ** is *** ********* **** ** *********** perspective, *** ** *****.

Could ** *** "********" *** *****

*******, *** ******* **** **** *** working **** *** *****, ********* **** with "**********" ** ************ **** *** the ******* *** *** ** ******* of ** *** "********" ** *** background:

* *** ** ***** ***** **** their ****** **** ** *****, ***, interface, ***** ***, *** *** ********. At *** **** ****, **** *** ingesting *** ** ***** ******, ****** to **** ************ ** *** ** that **** *** ******* ** ** a *** **** * ******** *** use ** **** **** *********** *** other ********* ** ******* *******.

** *** ******** ******* **** ***** becuase **** ** *** *********** ********* is *** ********* *** *** ** these *******. ** *** **** ** think ** * **** ** *** kind ** *** ******** ** *** background **** ** ******* *** ** that **** *** ****. ***** **** may **** **** ***** ***, **** platform, **** *** *** ***** ******* they *** *** **** ************ **** all ** ***** ********* ** **** that **** **** *****. **, ** are ******* **** **** ** ****** those **** **********.

But ** *** *********** **** * ****

***** **** **** **** *****, *** company ********** **** ** *** **** a **** ** ** ******** ** they **** **** *** "******** *****" and **** ********** ******* "******* ** a **** ******** *****," ******** *** systems ** ***** ****:

** *** ********* *** ******** ** an ********** ******** ******** ******, ***** is *** *********, ******* * **** is * *** **** ********* **** what ** *** *****. *** ** do *** **** * **** *** Black **** ****' ******* ** ********** to ********.

** ***** ** ***** * **** involved, **** ** ******* ****. ** still ******* * *** ** *****. Keeping **** ******** ***** *** ***** underlying ******* ******* ** * **** hygienic ***** ** **** ********* **** having * ***** ** *** *********** engine. ** ** ** ** *** need **, ** **** ****, ***** information **** *****.

Allowing *** ************* ******* ******** ** ******* ********** **** ********

*** ******* **** ***** *** *** main ******** *****: * ************ *** an ***-**** *** *************. ********* ***** them *** ************ ***** ***** ********* of ************ **** ***** **** ********* had ** ****** **********, ***** *** limit ********:

***** *** *** ********* ******** *****. One ** *** ************. ** ******* with *************, ** ***** **** ** be ******* ******* **** *** ******** security *********. ** **** ** *** have ************ **** ******* *********** *********, the ********* **** *** **** ** them. **, ** ****** *** ****** adoption ** ***** **********.

****** *** ***-*****, **** ***** **** to ******* ***** **** ***** ******** systems **** **** *** **********:

** *** ******** ****, ** ****** greater ********** ** ***** **** **** they ****. ** **** *** ********* systems ********.

Having ** **** ******** **** "** *** **** *****"

********* / ***** **** ************ *** manufacturers ******* ***** ******** ** * "clean ***********," *** ***** *** ******** they *****, **** **** ** **** deep ********* ** ***** ******** *** how ** ********* **** ********, ******** end-users ** "*** ** **** ** it ** ********":

*** ************* ******* ***** ******** ** a ********** ***** ***********. ** **** to **** ** **** ** *** real *****. *** ********* ** ******* their ********** ** **** ** **** do. ** **** *** ************* *** us ***** *********, ** ** *** valuable ** *** ************. ****, ** are ******** ** *** ********* ******* they ***'* **** **** ** *** a ***** ** ** **** **** invest ** **** *******. **** **** to *** ** **** ** ** as ******** *** *** **** *** that ******* *** **** *** ** to ***** ********.

Tech *********, ****** ********* ********* **** ********

**** ****** ****** **** **** ****** on *** **** **** **** **** manufacturers ** *** ******** **** *********, but ** ** *** ***** ******** to ****** ****, *** **** ****** training ***** ****** "**** *** ****** up":

** **** ****** *** *** ******* in *** ********** ******* *****, *** some ** **** **** **** **** the ************. ***, * *** ** times, ** **** ***** **** **** the ****** **. ** ** ** not *** ******** ** ** *** get ****** **** **** [*************] *** rather ******** **** **** *** ****** up.

*** ******* ******* **** ***** ******** add **** ***** ** *** *************, and *** ****** **** ***** **** these ************* *** **** ****-*** / product *********** *********:

*******, *** ********* ** ****** ********* platforms **** ******** **** **** **** value ** **** ************. * ***** say **** ** *** ***** *** came **** ***** *****-**** ********* **** on *** ******* *********** ****, ** they ********** *** ****-*** **** ****** than ******* ****. **** **** **** spent ******* ** **** ******* ** the **** ****, *** ** **** also ******* ** ***** ********.

Vetting *********

*** *** ***** ********* **** ** brings ** ********* ** * "********" for *********. **** ********* *********, ********* said **** *** ******* *** ********* who **** **** ********* ********* ** establishing ********* **** *******:

***** *** * ****** ** **************. One ** **** *** ******** ********* about. *** ** *** ****** **** would ** ** ***** *** ************ for *** ***** **** ** ** certain ******, ** **** ***** *** customer *** ********* ******* *********. **** we ** ** **** *** ********* who ****** **** ** ******** ****** standard **** **** **** ******* ** want **** ********** * ******** **** they're ***** ** ***** ** * worldwide *****.

**** ******* ** *********** ***** *** customer **** *** ******** ***** **** their ***********. ** ** ** ** they **** ********* *********, ** ******* to * ***** ***** ** ********* systems **** ***'* ****. ****'* *** requirement. *** *** ******* ***** *********, and *** *** ** **** *** establish *** ******* ****?

Working **** ************* / **** ***** ***********

********* / ***** **** ********* ***** integrations *** **** **** *** ********* / ********** *** ****** ** *** manufacturer's *** / **** **** ****. While **** ***** *** ******* ************ on *********** ******* / ******, ** believe ***** ******** *** ****** ******** to ** ********* ** **** *******, e.g., *******, *******, ***., *** **** limitation ** *************' ***/**** ***** ***** the ****** *** ******** ** ***** custom ************.

Competing **** ***-**-*** ******, ****** *** ************* ******* ************

***** ***-**-*** ******* *** ******* *** offering * ********** ************ ********** ******** is ******** **** ******* *** ********** a ****** ** **** ***** **** Labs ****, **** *** ******* ** there **** ****** ** *** ******** / ********* / *** ***** ******* to ********* ***** ******** ******* ******** which *** *** ** ******** ****.

***** *** ****** *** ************* ****** up. ***** ************ **** *** *** been *******; **** *** ******** ** building *** ***** **** ******* ****** than ****** ** ****** ** ***********.

*** **** ********** **** ** **** can ********* **** ***** *********, **** will ***** ** **** ******** ************* for **** ** *** **** ****. So **** ***** **** ** * point **** *** *** ************ **** are ****** *** *******? *** ****** is **, ******* ***** ** ****** a *** ******* ****** *** ******.

Comments (5)
Jacob Hengel
Jun 27, 2024

****** ***** ** **** * ***, albeit **** ***'* **** **** *** our ******** ************. ************* *** *****/***** players *** ***** ******** **** ****** wanting ** *********. *** ** ** have ********* ****** ** ********/*********** ** collaborate. *** *******, ** ***** ****** to ********* **** *** *** ***** for ********* ****** *** **** ********** software ******** *** ****** ** **** that ***** ********* **** **** **** streams ** ******** ***** ** ** pulled. *****'* * ****** ****** ******** process *** ** ****** *** ** the ***** ** *** ** *** going ** ******* **** ** ** moves **** *** ****** ** *******.

***** ** **** ******* **** ** the *******, * ****** **** **** do *** *** *** ** ***** libraries ** ********? **** ********** ******* & ********* *** ******* ** *** themselves?

Jermaine Wilson
Jun 27, 2024
IPVMU Certified

* ****** **** **** ** *** run *** ** ***** ********* ** services? **** ********** ******* & ********* for ******* ** *** **********?

** *****,

**** ****** ***** **** ** * service ** **** - **** **** offer ** **** ** *** ******* and *** ** **-****, ** ** their ******** *** *** *********, **** can **** ** ** ***** *** private *****. *** ****:

** **** ** **** *********** ******* and *** *** ******* ***-***, ** can **** *** ******** ** *** customers ** *** *** ***** *****, on-premise, ** ** **** **** ***** own ******* *****. ** *** ** that ** *** **** ****.

**** **** ******* ** *****"*******" ***** / **** ********. *** **** *********** ** ************ / ******** *** ****.

Undisclosed #1
Jun 27, 2024

*** *******, ** ***** ****** ** integrate **** *** *** ***** *** receiving ****** *** **** ********** ******** partners *** ****** ** **** **** allow ********* **** **** **** ******* or ******** ***** ** ** ******.

* ***** *** ********* ******* **** they *** *****...

* **** *** ****** **** - and **** *** ********* ** ******* Mr. *********'* ********, * ******* "** is ********** **** ***-*****".

*** ***** *** ******* ** **** throughout *** **** **** * ***** tell ***** ****** ****.

**** *** **** *** ***** **** you *** *** '** - *** when *** ***'*, *** ***** ***** for ********* ******* ** '****' ** each ***** - ******* *** **** for ***********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
17 hours ago

*** ******* ***** **** ********* **** actually ********* ****? ****, * *** of ******* ******** *** *********** ** platforms **** ***** ******* ***'* *********** allow ********* ** ******* **** ** sublicense **** ************* ** ** ********** or ******** ******* **** ********** ** customer **** ***** ** *** ***** OnGuard ******* *******.

Jermaine Wilson
16 hours ago
IPVMU Certified

** #*,

****** *** *** ******* - * have ***** **** ** ****** / share * ******* ** **** ************. Either ****, ** * **** ****** directly **** **** * **** ****.