Azure Access / Apollo Security Profile

Published Feb 16, 2022 15:58 PM

Azure Access Technology, a subsidiary of Apollo Security, markets itself as "founded by a group of respected access control industry veterans", specifically ex-Mercury Security employees. Azure is positioning itself as an open alternative to Mercury with products available.

IPVM Image

In this report, based in part on an interview of Azure VP and GM Will Lorber, IPVM examines:

  • Product features compared to Mercury Security
  • No component shortages or shipping delays
  • Pricing compared to Mercury Security
  • Azure's limited partner support
  • Examining a typical system architecture
  • Azure's four different memory capacity options
  • Scaling OSDP readers up to 16 per controller

Executive *******

**********-********** ****** ****************** '****' ******** (************ ************* ****** *** *************), ******** *** 3rd-party *******, ******* ** ******* ********'* business *****.

*** ******* **** ** ** ********** orders ** ******** **** ** ******, in ********** ********* *** *********** ******. ****, ***** ******** ** ** 8 ***** ******** *** *****, ***** Mercury ******** *.

*** ******* ******** *** ***** ** limited *** ***** ****** ********** ******* with **** *****, ***, *** **. By ********,******* ******** **+ *** *******.

***** ** ******* **** ******* ********* to *********, ***** ***** ******* *** integrations ** *** ********.

No ******** ******

***** **** ****** ***** ****** *******, they *** *** ******* **** ****** due ** ********* *********, *** **** IPVM **** *** ******** ****** ****** weeks:

** *** ***** ******** ****** * couple ** ***** ** ********* * PO. ** *** ************* ** **** finished *********** ** *****, *** ***** keep ******* ****** ** ********* ** keep ******** ***** ** *****. ** are ** **** ***** **** **********.

System ************

***** ****** ********** **** *** **** its *** ****** ******* ********** ********. Similar ** ***** ****** ******** ********** makers, *** ******** ********* **** ******* access ********** ********.

*** ******* ********** *** ******** **** a ******* ******** ******, *********'* *********** ******** **** */* *** door ********* *******:

IPVM Image

*****'* ******* **********,*** ***-*********** * *******/**** ******* *** ***** directly *** *** ** ********** ** control ** ********** ** **** ******* on *****. ** ** * ***** using ** **** ******* *** ** directly ********** **** *** *** **** the ******* ******* ****** ***** *** used ** ******* **** *****.

************, *** ***** *** ** ********* together ** ******* ** ** ** additional *********** ** ****** ***** ******* RS485 **** ***** ** ******* *****/******/**** expansion *******.

*******, ** ***** *** ******** **** doors **** ******* ********'* ***** *****, the **-****, *** ** **** *****, fewer ***** ****** **** ** ******** to ******* ** ***** ****** ** doors.

Four ********* ****** ******** *******

* ********** ** ********** ****** ******** to *********** ** **** ***** ****** 4 ******* *** **-***** ****** ******.

***** ********* **** ***** '***-*******' **** option ** ****** ** ******* **** Mercury ********'* ***,*** **** *****, *** that ******* ****** ***** ****** ***** further:

*** *********** *** ********* ** **** versions: *** *****, *,*** *****, **,*** cards *** *** ******* *****. ***** are *** ********* *** ******* ******** to **** ***** *** **********. *** target ** **** *** *** ******* card ******* ****** ** ** ***** a ******* **** *** ************* ***** their **** **********.

*** *** **** ******** ** *** controllers *** ****** ** **% ** our *** ******* **** ********** ******* allowing *** ******** ** ** *********** for ******* *************. *** ******** ** installations *** *,*** - **,*** *****. A *,*** **** ********** ***** ** ~25% *** *** **,*** **** ********** is ~**% **** **** *** *** million **** **********.

*** ******* ***** **** ***** *** upgrade ** ****** ******* ** ***** after ************, ******** **** ** ******** only *** ****** ** ***** ********.

Azure's **** ****** ******* *********

***** ******** ** ** ** **** readers *** ********** (* *** ****** port), ****** *******'* ******** *-* ******* per **********. ****** *******, ***** *** deploy ***** ********** **** ******* *** each ** *** **********’* *** ****** ports. ***** **** **** ** *** result ** *********** *******:

*** *** ****** ********** ***** (** Azure) ** **-**% **** **** *** price ** ** **-***** ****** **** (e.g. ******* ********).

***** **** **** *** ******* ** expand **** ****** ******* ** ****** designs:

** *** ******* ** ************* ** support **** **** ***** **** ******* per ****** ****.

Optional *** *******

******* ********** ** ***** ****** *** as ** ****** ** *** ********. If *** ** *** ******* ** be ****, **** *** **** ** the ****** ** ******** **** *** price:

** **** ******* ******* **** *** without ***. *** *** ********** ******** are ********* **** *** ******* ***. If * ******** **** *** **** POE, **** ****** *** **** ** pay *** **.

** ********, *** ******* ***** *********** is *****, **** ******* ********** ** on *** ****** **** **-**** ********** but *** *** * **** ****/****. Additionally, **** ****** ********* **** * or * **** *********** **** *** use *** (*.*.: **** *****/*****), *** unlike ***** **** ** *** ********* support *** ****** *** *********** *** 4 ** **** *****.

Azure **** ****** ******** *******

*****'* ******** **** *** ****** *******,****** ********,*** ******* *** *************, *** ** more **** * *********** ***. **** companies ***** *** **** (**********) ********* and **** *********** ******.

***** ****** ** ******* ** ********* its ******* ******* *** ** *************, Azure ** * *** ******** ******** pursuing *** ************ *** *** ******* for *** ********:

****** *** ****** *********** ** *** next ********** (*****) ******** ******** *** also *********** ** * *** *******, Azure ****** **********.

** * ******, ***** ******** ******* follow ****** *********, ** ********* ** resemblance ** ************** ***-*:

IPVM Image

*******, ***** ***** ** ******* *********** between *** *** ********* ** ******, and **** ** **** ********* ***** products ***** ** ************* *********. *** products *** *** *************** *** *** different ********, *** *** *******.

Pricing **. ******* ********

*****'* ******* ****** '*% **** ** equal' ** ******* ********:

*** ********* ** ** **** *** prices ** ***** *% ** **** lower **** ******* ********** ********. ***** is *** ****** ** ****** ** apples **********. *** ***-*** ********** *** more ************ **** *** ******* ******, but ** ******* ** ** ***** competitive **** *** ***** ******** ** the ******* ****** **********.

*** *** **** ******** *** ************* lower **** *** ***** ** ******* controllers.

*******, ** ***** ***** **** ** other ******** *** ** ***, ******* to ***-***** *** ******* ** ********** set ** *** *******.


*****'******** **** ******** ** ***** *********, ************* **** **** *******'* **+ partner ******:

**** *********** **** * ******* *******:

IPVM Image

Conservative, ******* ******

***** **** **** **** ~** *********, with ~** ** ***** *********. ***** has **** **** ** **-***** ***** and ********* *********, *** ********* **** overseas *********** *** ***** *******, *** company *** ***** ** ****** ******** the ****-**** ** ***** ** ******** allow:

** **** ** ****** *** ***** person ** **** *** ******* ** 2023 ** ******* ***** ****** ***** in ***** *******. *** ******** ***** network *** ******* ********* ** ***** continents.

** ***** **** ** **** ** adding ********** **** ******* ********* ****** the ******* *********** ******* *****. ** be ********** ** ******** ** ******* quality, ******** *** ***** ** **** be **** ** **** ****.


Comments (16)
Undisclosed #1
Feb 16, 2022

**** *** **** ****** **** *** used ** ****** ***** ******* **** Lenel *** **** ******** ** ******* for **** **** *******? ** **** still **** ****** "*********" *** *********?

Brian Rhodes
Feb 16, 2022
IPVMU Certified

****** *************** ** ~****. *** **** ***** the ********* *********! :) ***** ** the *** ********** ********** ** ***** the *******/*** ********.

William Lorber
Feb 18, 2022

*** ********* ******* ** ******* ******** with ***** ** *** ******* ** remotely ******** *** ****** ******** ** the ***** **** ****** *****. ** fact, ** * ****** *** *** schedule *** ******* ** *******, ** controller, ** *** ***’* **** *****/******* non *********** ****** **** ***** ** an ********** ******. ** ***** ******* can ** ****** *** *** *** to *** ******* ** ***** ** a *******.

****** **** ****** ********. **** ***** started, **** **** ****** ********. *** switch ** ******* (***** *** ******* by ****** ****** *********) *** ********* because **** ****** *** **** ******** hardware, *** **** ********. ******* ******** was *** ** ******* ** *** legacy ****** ********.

*** **** ********** ***** ****** ******** has *********** ********** (************ ************** ******* the *********** *** **** ******** (** polling), ******* ********** ** ** *********** (up ** ***-*** ******* *** *******), ability ** *** ** ** ** OSDP ******* *** **** ** *** two ****** ***** *** ********** *** licensing (*********** **** ********** *** ** delays ** ******** *****) *** ********* to ***** ************* ******* ********* ********** firmware) **** ****** ****** *** ******* architecture.

******* ** ****** ********* ************* *** digital ****** ******* ******* ****** ********* and *** ****** ******* *** **** discontinued. ** *** **** ******** **** an ** ****** **** *** ** mounted ***** ** *** **** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Feb 16, 2022

** **** ** **** ** *** Mercury ************ ** **** ** *** software ************* ***** ************ *** ******. Competition ** **** *** **********.

Undisclosed #3
Feb 16, 2022

* *** ****** ***** *** *** Vertx **** ***** **** **** **** competition ** ******* **** ***** ***** footprint *** ************ ***** **** ******** Mercury.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Feb 16, 2022

* ****** ****** ***** *** ******** OEM *** *****.

*** ********* ******* ** ******* ******** with ***** ** *** ******* ** remotely ******** *** ****** ******** ** the ***** **** ****** *****.

** ****, ** * ****** *** can ******** *** ******* ** *******, by **********, ** *** ***’* **** doors/readers *** *********** ****** **** ***** in ** ********** ******.

** ***** ******* *** ** ****** all *** *** ** *** ******* it ***** ** * *******.

* ******* ***** ** **** *** another ******** *** ** ****** *******.

********** ** ** ********** ********* ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #5
Feb 16, 2022

***'* ** ********* * ************ ******* organization, *.*. **** ***'* ******** **** or ******* ****** ******* ********/******* *** licenses ******* ********** (**** ********/******** ***********)?

*** *** ***** *** ** **** and ******* ** ** ***** ***********/******* for ***** ***********? *** **** ******** in *** ******** ***********?

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Feb 17, 2022

***** ** ***** ********** ******* ****** control ******* *********, **** ****** ** local *******, * *** *** *** best ******** * **** **** ********* is ******. ** ***** ***** *** tradition ** *** ****** *******, ** will ** ********** **** **** *** the ******. *************, ** ***** *********** with **** ******** *********, *** ** would ** **** ** *** **** integrating *** **** **** *** ******, but **** **** ******* *** ******** software **********. ** ***** ***** * lot ** *********** *** ****** *** risk ** ****** "*************" ********, ** sometimes *********** ******** **** ******** ***** support, *** **** *** ****.

Undisclosed #1
Feb 17, 2022

***** ****, ** *** ****, **** compelling ******* *** ***** ***** **** Apollo ** ****. ** **** **** been ******** **** **** *** ****** be ** *********** *******. ** * remember ** *** ********* * ***-**** issue. *** ** *** ******* *** company?

Undisclosed Integrator #6
Feb 17, 2022

*'** ***** * *** ******** ** the *******, *** *********, ******* **** who ***** ********* ** *** **** one ** ******** ***. ******** **** are *** **** *****. *** * guess ** *** **** ******** ********** than ********* ******.***** **** *** **** us *** ** ******* ****** *** who ** ******* *****, ** *** none ** *** ******** ******* ****.

Jim FitzGibbon
Feb 18, 2022

**** ***** *** ****** ******* ** HID, ********** *****, *** ******* *** really ******* *** **** ** *** last **** **** ****** ***** ******. I **** ******* *** *** **** architecture *** ** **** *** ******* about * ********* ****** **** *** Mercury ********. * ***** ******* *** open ************ **. *********** ** * benefit *** *** *****. * ***** love ** *** * ******* **** architecture ****** *** *** **** ** made ** *** *** ** * plus. * ****'* *** ******** ** warranty, *** *** ** *** ******* in **** ******* *** * * year ******** ** ** *** *** this ** * ******* ****.

******* ******** *** *** ***** ** just **** ******* ******* ******* ******** them ***** **** **** **** ** hardware *** ***** **** ***** ******** dealers *** *********. ******* ******** **** need ** ********* *** ***** ******** into ***** ********. ** ******* **** Azure ***** ** **** **** *********** very ****** *** *** * ******** for *** ********.

***** ****** ****** ** *** **** size ** ******* **** ******** ** the ******* ******** ** *** ***** hardware **** ** *** **** ******** space. ** *** **** ** ** LP1502 *** ***-*** **** ** *** case, *** * **** *** ****** at *** ***** ****.

******* *** ***** **** ** ** able ** ******* * ******* ********** with ** ***** ********** *** ** able ** *********** *** ***** ** the ********** ** ******. *** **** would **** **** *** ** ******. This ***** ***** *** ********* **** Mercury ** ***** ******* * **** rip *** *******.

************ **** ******** *****, ***, ****, LE, ***, ***. ** ***** **** through *** ******* *********** *** **** an ****** ** ****** ********** *** downstream ***** ********** ** ****** ********. Any **** ** ************ **** ***** on ******* **** **** ** ** created ** *****.

William Lorber
Feb 18, 2022

****** **** ****** ********. **** ***** started, **** **** ****** ********. *** switch ** ******* (***** *** ******* by ****** ****** *********) *** ********* because **** ****** *** **** ******** hardware, *** **** ********. ******* ******** was *** ** ******* ** *** legacy ****** ********.

*** **** ********** ***** ****** ******** has *********** ********** (************ ************** ******* the *********** *** **** ******** (** polling), ******* ********** ** ** *********** (up ** ***-*** ******* *** *******), ability ** *** ** ** ** OSDP ******* *** **** ** *** two ****** ***** *** ********** *** licensing (*********** **** ********** *** ** delays ** ******** *****) *** ********* to ***** ************* ******* ********* ********** firmware) **** ****** ****** *** ******* architecture.

******* ** ****** ********* ************* *** digital ****** ******* ******* ****** ********* and *** ****** ******* *** **** discontinued. ** *** **** ******** **** an ** ****** **** *** ** mounted ***** ** *** **** ******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #7
Feb 18, 2022

****** **** ****** ********. **** ***** started, **** **** ****** ********. *** switch ** ******* (***** *** ******* by ****** ****** *********) *** ********* because **** ****** *** **** ******** hardware, *** **** ********. ******* ******** was *** ** ******* ** *** legacy ****** ********.

*** **** ********** ***** ****** ******** has *********** ********** (************ ************** ******* the *********** *** **** ******** (** polling), ******* ********** ** ** *********** (up ** ***-*** ******* *** *******), ability ** *** ** ** ** OSDP ******* *** **** ** *** two ****** ***** *** ********** *** licensing (*********** **** ********** *** ** delays ** ******** *****) *** ********* to ***** ************* ******* ********* ********** firmware) **** ****** ****** *** ******* architecture.

******* ** ****** ********* ************* *** digital ****** ******* ******* ****** ********* and *** ****** ******* *** **** discontinued. ** *** **** ******** **** an ** ****** **** *** ** mounted ***** ** *** **** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Feb 19, 2022

* ****** *** ***#* **?

Fawzia Atcha
Feb 22, 2022

**'** ******* ****** ***** ******* **** the *** *********** *** **** **** a ******* ********* ** *** *****. Having **** *** ***** ******* ******* to ********* *** ***** *** **-**** software ******** ** *****, ** **** been **** ** ********** ********** ****** controllers *** *** *********** ****** *** system. ***** *** **** ***** ** work ****!

Ken Larson
Mar 25, 2022
Z9 Security

** ******** ** *** ******** ** the **/**=* ********** ******** *** **********, which *********** *** *********** *** *********** of ***** ****** **** ***** *******. Both *** **/**=* *********. ***** ******** platform ************ **** ***** *** **/**=* are ** *** ***...