Axis Launches Open Source Video Authentication Framework

Published Dec 13, 2021 16:52 PM

Axis has released an open source video authentication framework, aiming to "ensure the integrity of surveillance video" and standardize the often insecure and proprietary process.

IPVM Image

In this report, we look at Axis' announcement, the authentication framework, how it works, implementation, and potential impact.

Problem *********** ******

************** (**** ****** ************ ** ******* watermarking) ** **** ********* **** ************ video ** **** ** ***** ***** but *** ******* ** ************** ******** varies *** ********* ******** ** ** be **** **** ********* ***** **** recorders. **** *** ****** ** ************ videos **** ********* ***** ****** ** rejected ** ********** *** ** *** lack ** ****** **************.

Axis ****** ***** *********

**** ***** *** ***** **** ** camera ** **** *****-** **************, ******* needing *** ******** ** ***** **, plus ** ****** ***** ****** *************, including *********** ** *** *** **** functionality ******* ****-******** **** ********* ** ******(** ** ******** ***** *** ******* which ****** *** ********** *****).

**** ********** ******* ******** ***** *** *** been ******** **** ** ******** ** maintaining ***** ** *** ************ ********:

*** ********* **** *** ************ ** video *** ** **** ** ******** undermine * ******** ************* ** ***********, while **** *********** ***** ** *** value ** ***** ************ **** *******. The ***** ************** ******* ********* **** issue.

Axis: *********** ** *** ** *****

*** ******* **** **** ****-******** **** project *** *** ** ************* **** others ** *** ********, *.*., ****** manufacturers *** *** **********.

***** *** **** ******* ** *** surveillance ******** **** *** ** *********** that ** ******* *********** ** *********, and **** ** **** ****** ******* is *** **** ********* *** ** collaborate. ******** **** ***** ******** ** surveillance ******* ** ********* *** ****’* been ******** **** ** *** **** area.

*******, **** ********* **** *** **** source ********* ***** ****** * ** facto ******** ** ***** ************* ********* it:

******* *** ***** ************** ******** ** open ****** **** *** ************ ******** will ***** ******* ********** **** ***** manufacturers ** ****** * ******** *** video **************

**** *** *********** *** ********* ** "Signed *****" ** ***** *** ****** firmware ******** ** ******* **.**, ******** to ** ******** ** ** ****.

***** ******* *******

** **** *****, *** ****** ********* a "******* ***" ***** ** ******* and ******** ** **** ***** ** pictures (***), *.*., *** *-***** *** 14 *-******, ** ***** *******, * ******** ******* ** *.*** and *.*** ***** *** ********* *** been **** ** ************. **** *** may ** ******* ** * *** or *********** ****** ** ****** *** video *** *** **** ******** ****.

**** ******* ********' ****************** *** ******* ** ********** *** attaching *** ***:

IPVM Image

End-to-End **************

**** **** ** ****' *********, *** video ********* ** ********** ********** *** entire ***** ** *******, **** *** camera ****** ** *** *** ** export. ******* ** ******** ***** *** digital *********/************** ****** ** ******, ******* in ***** *****, **** ****** **** to ******* ***** ***** ********* *** messages ** ******** *** *****'* *********.

*** **************

********** *** ******** ********** ************** **** requires ***** *** ***********, ** **** VMSes ******* ***** ***** ********, *** typically******* **** ****** ******, **** **** IPVM:

*** ******* ********* **** ****** *** VMS ****** *** ***** *******, *** just **** ** **** *** ***** during ******. *********, ******* *** **** Camera ******* *** ******** * **** small ************** ** *** ****** *** the ***-***** ****** ******.

*******, **** ****** **** ************ ***********, *** ********** *** ************** itself, ***** **** ******* ******* *********** to ** *********** ** *****' *********** file *******.

** *** **** ** *** *********'* release, *******, *********, *** ****' *** Camera ******* ******* **** ***** ************** method.

******** ****** ******** ** ****** *******

******* ****' ********* **** ******** ***/**** (H.264/H.265) ********, ***** *** ** ******** in ******** ********* ******* (*.*., ***) instead ** ********* * *********** ****** packaged **** ** ********** ****** **** each ***, ******* ** *** ******** today (*** ****** / ***** ************* ******** **** *******).*******, ***** ******* ***** ******* **** as *** ** ******* ***** ****** may **** ***** *****, **** **** not ** **** ** ************ *** video.

***** ** **** ******** **** **** players ** ******* **** *********, **** said:

** ********* **** **, ** **** been ********** **** *** ***** *******. As * ***** *** **** **** Player ******** **** ** *** ***** VMS *******.

Aggressive ************* ********

**** ***** ************** ********* ** ******* example ** ****' ************* ******** (**** covered ****** ***** ****** *************** **************** ********* **** ** **** ******), * ******** **** ** ******** in *** ************ ********. *** *******'* release ** **** ********* ***** ** could ****** *** ******** *** *** surveillance ********, ***** ******** *************** *** often ********** ** *******.


*** ******* ********* ****' ********* **** depend ** ******* ***** ************* ****** to ********* ** ** * ****** and/or ******** *****. ******* *** ********* implementing **** ******* ** * ********, but ** ******* ** ** **** if ** **** ** ******* ** the ****** ** *****, ********** ** the ****-********* ****** ***** ******** ******* are ********* *** **** ******.

What ** *** *****?

Comments (7)
Undisclosed #1
Dec 14, 2021

*** ********* **** *** ************ ** video *** ** **** ** ******** undermine * ******** ************* ** ***********, while **** *********** ***** ** *** value ** ***** ************ **** *******.

*** ****** ***** ** ** ****** court **** ***** ***** ************ *** been ****** ** ******** ******* ** hasn't **** '*************' ** **** ** has *** ***** ******** ****?

Jesse Bailey
Dec 14, 2021

*** * ***** ****** ****** *** quite * *** ***** **** **.

********: ***** ************** ***** ****

******* ******:

**** *****: ******* ** ************ ************ Video ***** ** ********* ** ******** ******** *. ***, *.*.

Undisclosed #1
Dec 14, 2021

**** *** **** ** *** * good *******, ***

** **** ****** ****, ***** **** numerous ****** *********** ** *********, ******* video ***** *** ****, ********* **** stamps, ***.

** ******** ** *** ******* ** not ***** ************ ******** ** **** thrown *** ** ********. **** ****** case ** * **** ******* ** that *********. *******, * ******** ******* the **** ** ************** **** *** video ******* ** ******** ** ** actual ***** **** ***** ***** ** no ***** ********** ** *************.

*** ******** **** *** ** **** mentioned ** **** ***** *** **** that ********* ********** **** '**** *** video ***** ** **** ********' ** enough ** '********' **** *** ***** has *** **** ******** ****.

*.*. ********** ************ ***** **** ******/*********, etc ** ***** *** ** ** be **** ** ******** ** ***** is ****** *** ******** - *** in ** ****, ***** (** ******) even ******* ** ***.

Jan Zimmermann
Dec 22, 2021

* ***** ***** ***'* ****** ******** from *** ******* ***, *** **** the ******** ********** ** *********. * expect **** ********** **** ** * must **** *** ******** ******* ****.

Undisclosed #1
Dec 22, 2021

**** ** ** ********* *****!

Jan Zimmermann
Dec 20, 2021

* ***** ** ** * ***** idea **** ****. * **** **** is ***** ** *** *** *** module ** *** ****** ** **** it. *'* ******* *** ****** ** this *******:

*) *** ************** ** *** ******* when *** *** ** *********** *** video. ** ** ******* ******* *********** is ********* *** *****.

*) *'* **** ******* * *********** timestamp ** *** ****. **** *** can **** * **** ****** ** the ***** ** ** *******. *** it ** * ********* ***** ** camera **** ***** ***** ** ***********. I *** ******* *** ****+********* ***** be ****** ** * ****** **********. It ** ***** *********** *** ****'* the **** *** ** ***** *** video *** ******** ** * ******** device ** * ******** ****.

John Honovich
Dec 21, 2021

**** *********, ***!

**** ********:

(*) ****, *** ****** ***** ** be ** ****** ****** ** **** its *********** ** ** *********.

(*) *** **** ** ******* ** definitely ** ********* **** ** ***** evidence, *** *** ******* ***** ** a ******* ****** ** **** *** in ** *************. ** ******* ** offline ******** *** ******* ********** ** time *** ** ******** ** *** signed ***-***** ** ***** *******, *** relies ** ****** *** ******* **** synchronization ** *** ******. ** **** discussed ***** ********** *** ***** ** out ** **** **** *** ** the ********** ** ******** ****** *** infrastructure ** ****** *** *******.

***, * ***** *** **** ***** some ******* ********* *****, * ***** most ** *** *** ** ***** be *********** ** **** ***** **** do ********* *** ***** ********* ****** issues **** **** ********.