Top 2021 Video Surveillance Trends

β€’Published Dec 03, 2020 15:17 PM

2020 has been a tumultuous year and it has shaken up many things, including the top trends for 2021 in video surveillance.

IPVM Image

170+ integrators answered IPVM on:

What do you think will be the top industry trend in 2021? Why?

AI has been a top trend for years and facial recognition did strongly in last year's results. However, both have changed here.

Inside this note, we examine the trends, including comparisons to previous years and a breakdown of US and International responses.

Key ******

*** ********* *** ****** *******:

  • ********* *** ** **** ***** ** just **** */* ** ********** *********, down ******* **** **** ****. *** the *** **** ** * ***, international *********** **** ************* **** ********** about ********* **** ** *********** *** moderately **** *******.
  • ***** *** ***** ******* ****** **** tied *** ****** *******, ********* **** under **% ****, **** *** ********* trends ********* ***** **% ********.
  • ***** *** ** ***, ** ******, COVID *** *** * ***** ** a **** ***'* ****** *******.
  • **** *********** ******* ******* **** ****** 20% ******* ** **** ** **** ~2% **** ****.
  • ************* ***** ******** ***** *% ** responses, *** ***** **** ** *** access ******* **** ********* ** ******** integrators.

AI ********* *** ******** / ******** ***************

*********** ***** *********, ********* **-***** *********, as *** *** ***** *** **** more **** *** ***** *****, *** at * ***** ****** **** ******** years. ****, ***** ********* **** #* internationally ** * ***** ******, ** was *** #* ***** ** *** US ****** *****-***** *********.

****** ******* ***** **** ****** ******* with **-***** ********* ******** **** ******, and ********* ************ ** *** ****/** cameras:

  • "***** *********, **** *** *********** ** AI ********* **** ***** *** ******, will ***** **** ** ****** **** mainstream ******* ****** ** *** *** 3rd ***** ******* *** *********"
  • "** - ******* *** ********** ************ - ********** *****, ****** ********, **** learning ************ *** *** ********** ** such * ***** **** ******** ******** can ** ******** ** *** ***** price"
  • "***** ********* ******* ** *** ******* learning. **** ** *** **** ******* way ** ********* ******** ******** ******* and ****** **** *******."
  • "** **** ******** ************ - **** make ******** ******** & ******** ** much **** ********* & *********"
  • "**** ******** ** ******* ********** ******** AI *********, ** ********** *** ***** solutions *******"
  • "******, ******* *********. ** ****** ****** standard ** **** ********* ******* * premium. **** ******* *** ************ *********"
  • "***** *********. *** **** ** ******** and ******* ***** ** **** ********** steps **** ******* **********"
  • "***** *********. **** *** *** ****** megapixels, *** ******* *** *** ******** smarter."
  • "********** ************. ** *** ******* **** cameras *** ** **** ********-****** *****"
  • "********** *********. ** ** ******** ************ good *** **** ** ******** ********** valuable."
  • "****** ***** ** ****** ********* - market ** ********* **** ** * lower ***** *****"
  • "** - ***** ******** **** ** be ********** ********* ******* ** ******."
  • "******* - **** ******** ***** ** the **** ** ****** ****"
  • "**-****** *********- **** ** **** *** real-world ********* *** ******"
  • "************ ** ******** ************ ***** **** cameras"
  • "****** **** ********* *** **********"
  • "**, ***** *********, *** *********"

***** ****** *********** *** *** **** common ******** ******** ** ****, ** only ******** * ******** ** ****:

  • "**** ***********, **. ******* *** *********** can ** **** **** ****** *** makes **** ******."
  • "****** *********** *** ***** ********* ********** will ******** ***** ******* ***** ** be *********"
  • "****** *********** *** **** *** ********** into ****** ******* ***** ** * lot ** ******** ** *****-**** ****** control"
  • "****** *********** ******** **** *********** ********* function. *** ** ******* *********"

**** ******* *** ******** ** **** seen **** ****** *********** *********, ********* cuts ************************** ******* ************ ******* ****** *********** and ********* ********** **** *****.

COVID ******** *** ********* ******

*****-******* ********* **** **** *** *** place **** ******* ***** **** ** and ************* ***********.

******** ******** ***** ******** ** ******* tracing, ****** ********, ********* ***** ****** control, ************** ***** ************** **** ***** ** ****:

  • "*********** ** ******* ******* ******* ***** analytics. ***** **** ** *** *** new ******* ******** ******* ** ***** more ******** *** *** **** ******** and ***** **** ** ***** ******** on ********** ****** ******* *******."
  • "********* ******** *** ***** ****** **** be **** ****'* ***** *** *********. This ** *** ** ***** **** of ********* *** *** ****** ** and ** **** ** **** ******** between *********"
  • "********* ****** ******* *** *********** **** thermal *** ******* ************* **** ***** need ** ** **** **** ********* to **** *** ****** *********"
  • "****** ****** ********* ********* ******* *** mask **********. ******* ** ********* *********** with ***** *** ******* ********"
  • "* ***** ****** **** ** *** biggest ***** ** ****. *** ** COVID-19 *** ****** ********* **** ** on *** ********'* **** ** *** next ***** ** ****"
  • "**** ********* ******* ** *** ******. For *******, ******* ***** **** ** card *******. *****"
  • "*********** *****... ****** ***** ** ***** anything **** *****-** *** ** *** already ******* ********* ******** *** **."
  • "***** ********* ********* **** **** ********* and ****** *******."
  • "***** ********* **** ** ****** ******** and "*****" *********"
  • "** *** ********* ********, *** ** the ********."
  • "******** ******* ** *******, *********(****** ********,*****, etc)"
  • "**** *********** ***** *** ******* ******* because ** *****"
  • "******** ** ** **** ******* ******* because ** *****"
  • "********* ***** *******. *****-** ** *** of *******"
  • "******* ******* *** *********** **********"

Cloud ****** *****

***** ********* **** ****** *** * 2nd ******** ****, *** **** ************ for *****-***** ****** ******* *** *****-******* video **** ****** ******:

  • "***** *****. * ***** ******* **** finally **** ** ********* *** **** will ***** ** *** **** ***********. That ****** ** ********* ***** ***'* be ***** ******* ****** **** **** of ** ********* ** *** ********."
  • "****'* *** ***** **** ********** ** VSaaS. **** *** ********** **** ******* created ** ****-**** * *** ** manufacturers *** ***** ** ** ****** in **** ********* **** **** **** previous *****."
  • "*****. *** ***** *** **** **** something ** *** ******* ***** *** much ******** ** *** ******** ***** to *** ***** ******** ** ******* about *** **** ********* *** ******** implementing"
  • "***** ****** ***** ***** *** *** based ******** *** *******, *********, *** access *******. **** ****** **** **** of *********, *** * *** ** becoming **** *** **** ** ***** we ****"
  • "***** ****** **********. ** *** ********* selling **% **** ****** *** ***** surveillance *** ********** **** ********** ** 70%"
  • "* ***** ***** **** ** **** of * **** ****** ****** ****** control. "*****" **** *** "*****" **** doesn't **** ** ** ***** ****"
  • "*****-***** ********* ******* ** *********** **-**** servers. * ******* ***-***** *** ********* to ********** *** ***** **** ******* from ***** ******* *****."
  • "***** ***** ** * *******...******* ******* in **** ********* **** ********* ********** and ******** ** ***********. ***** ** front ***** *** ** **** *******"
  • "***** ****** *** ******* ******** *** Access ******* *** *****. ** *** all ******* *** ******* *** **** recurring *******"
  • "********* *****-***** *********. ***** ** *** SMB ******, ****** ******* *** ********"
  • "*** ******** ***** ** ****** ** the *****. *'** ****** ** *** top * ****** ** ***** ********* and ***** ******* ******."
  • "***** ******* ********* **** ********** *********"

IPVM *******

*** ******* ** ***** **********:

  • **: ***** **** **** *** *********** of ** ** ********* *** ****** work ****** *********** *** ********, ** is ***** ********* ****** ** **** a *****, ** *** ********** *************, impact ** ***** ************. *******, ***** the ****** **** *****-** *** *** likelihood **** *****-** **** ***** **** business *** *** ***** **** ** 2021, ** ** *** ********** ***** major ** ******** *** ***** ************ in ****.
  • *****: ** *** * ******* ********** of ***** ******** ********** ************* ** 2021, ** (*) ****** **** ********* the ***** ** ***** *** (*) the ****** ** ******* ****** *** promotion ** ***** (*.*.,$** ******* *** *******,$** ******* *** ***,$** ******* *** *****). ***** ** * ******** **** of ***** ********* ******** *** ********* cloud ** ** ****** ***** ***** surveillance ** **** * ***** **** forward ** **** ****** ******** ** 2021.
  • *****-** *********: ***** *** ***** **** of **** ****** ******** ** **** meaningful ***** ** *****-** ********, ** expect **** ** ******* ** *********** for ******* ************ ********** **** *******.
  • ****** ***********: ****** *********** ********** ** 2021 *** ** ********* ******* ******* COVID-19 ********* *** ******** ******** **** masks **, *** ****** *********** ********* (ex-China) **** **** *** **** ***, with ********* *** ******* ****** *******, we ******* ****** *********** ***** ****, overall, ** *********.
Comments (20)
Alex Wasson
β€’Dec 03, 2020
IPVMU Certified

* ***** **** ****** *** ********** in "********* *****" *** **** **** that ****** ****? ***** ****** *********** or * ****** ********** **** *** keep *** **** ******** *** ****** door **** *** **** **. * don't ******** ********* ********** ********* **** opening ********* *** ************* ********** *** cost *** **** ** ***** *******.

Andrew Myers
β€’Dec 03, 2020

******* ********:

*****-**** ******** ***** *** *********** **********

****** ***** **** ****-**** $** **** Opener?

**'* ** ******* *********. ********* ** expensive *** ****** ** ******* *** ADA *********.

Alex Wasson
β€’Dec 03, 2020
IPVMU Certified

****, * **** **** ***** *******. They ***** **** *** ***-****** ***** but * **** ***'* *** **** being ****** *** ****. * ***** be *****, ******!

Glynn Thomas
β€’Dec 03, 2020

********* ***** *** **** ****** *** a **** ****- ***** **** ****** card ** *** ******. *** ***'** right ***** ******** *** **** ** open....and **** ** **** ***** **** openers ***** **** ***********- ***** **** slow ** *****.

******* * **** **** ** ***** handle ******** ** **** ********- ******* last * *** **** ****** ** brass **** ***** ********* ********* ****

Brian Rhodes
β€’Dec 03, 2020
IPVMU Certified

****** *** *** ******* *****.

**: ***** *******, ** ******* *** general ***** ********* ******* ******** ****-**** ********, *** Allegion **** *********** ******* ***********

*** ****-********* ********** ** ***** ** not ********* ** *******, *** **** then ** ***** *********** **** *** a ***** ****** ** '****' ***** between *******.

Michael Votaw
β€’Dec 10, 2020

*****, **** * **** ** **** from *** ******* **** ****-********* ******** β€’ ***-** Manufacturing**** **** ** *****. ******** ** just ****** ** ** **** **** can.

Alexander Ignatenko
β€’Dec 04, 2020

* ******* **** ****** (** ***** some ** ****) *** ****** ** achieve **** *** "********* *****" ** to ***** *** *********** ******* ***** world's "***** ***********" *** ***** *** "clean ***********". ************* ***** ** ****** belong ** *** "*****" *** ****** washed/sanitized. ****** *** **** **** ******* doors *** ******** ******* ** *******, however **** (* **** **) **** refrain **** ******** ***** ****** ** reaching ** ***** ******* *** ****** cards (*** ******* **** ****) ******* having ***** ***** *********** *****. ** it ***** ** ** ****, **** without ***** **** **********, ** ***** all *** ***** *** ******* ** their *** ** *** ******, **** wash/sanitize ***** ***** ****** ******** ** their "***** ***********" - ******** ******, keyboards, ********.

Shannon Davis
β€’Dec 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

* ***'* ******** ********* ********** ********* door ******* ********* *** ************* ********** the **** *** **** ** ***** systems.

** **** *** ******* ********* ***** purchasing ******* *** ***** **** ***** doors *** *********. **** ******* ** our **** ************* **** **** **** super **** ********** *******.

Bill Williams
β€’Dec 03, 2020

*********** **** ** *** **** ** a ***** ********* ********.

** ***** ** * **** **** to *** * ******* ******** *** global **********. * **** ** *** an ************ ********. ****** *********** ********** doubles **** ** **** ******* ******* of **** ******* ****** [*** *********** doubling *** **** *** ********* ******** the ****** ** ******* ********].

*** ** *** *** ******* *** decide **** **** ** ****** ** automatic **** ****** *** **** **** to ** ****** *** '*********' ************** options **** **** *** *** **** their *** ********* **** ******.

**, ** ** *********, ** ******** in ********* ***** *** ** ** a **** ***** ** *** **** interest ***** ** * ******** *******.

********* ** ** ******* ****...


Nathan Wheeler
β€’Dec 04, 2020

$*.** ********* **** ********* ***** *** ******** interaction ********** ***** ********!

*** ** ** *********** ****** ********** innovation ******. :)

Undisclosed #1
β€’Dec 04, 2020

******* ***** *** ********...

Shannon Davis
β€’Dec 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

**** ******* ** ******* ** *** were *** *** *** **** ** with ** *** ******* ******** ** them! πŸ˜‚

Lee Jones
β€’Dec 05, 2020
Support Services Group

* *** **** ******* ***** ** β€œprivate ***” ***** **** ***** ****** for ******* **** ***** ************ *****. We *** **** ****** ******** **** be ****, ** ** ********, *** millions ** ******** β€œ*********” ***** *********. Private ********** ***** **** ***, ******, Rapid-Response, *****/****, *********** ***** ********** β€œ******* 911” ** ***** *** *******, *** expensive *** *** ********, ***** ********** attrition. ** ******** ** ********* *** upgrade ***** **** ********** ** *** current ********** ******-********* *-*** *********** ***** Surveillance *** β€œ************” ** *********, **** qualify *** *** *********** *** ********. Unnecessary ****** ******** *** ** ********* too, ** ********** ** ** ** right.

******: *** *****; ******* ******** *****

Craig Bruce
β€’Dec 06, 2020
BDH Consulting

********* ** ***** **** *** *** posting ***** *******.

***** ******* ** *** ***.

*'* ********* **** **** *********** ******* sharply; * ***** ** ********** ** see ****'* ****** ****. **** *** just ** ******** ** **** ********* with **** ***** ******* **** ********** on ****** ** ******* ** ******-***** AI.Also, **** **** ***'* **** **** masks *** **** ****, ** ****, no ***********!

*'* *** ***** *****-*****; ****, ***** is ****** * **** *** **-**** when *** *** ***** ******* ********* by ****** ** ****.

*** ***** ***** ** ** ********; Great ****** ***** **** **** ****** to **** *** ***** ** **** situation, ****** ********, ********* ***** *** both ************ **** *** *** ****** live ** **** *****. ****** ******* sensing *** ******, ** **** ******* extensively ****** **** ** *** ***** reliable ***** ******* **********; *'* *** sure **** *** ******** ** **** will ** ** *** ****** ** a ****** **** ** **** ** CCTV.

* **** * ******'* ******* *******, but... ******* *** ***** ** ** hand ** ****.

***** ** ****** ******, *** ******* will *** *********** *** ****** *** with *** ***** ** *******, ***** Meraki, **** ******* **** ***** *** and *** **** *** *******.

Alex Wasson
β€’Dec 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

****** *********** ******* ** **** ******* of ******* ******** **** ********* *** employees.

Shannon Davis
β€’Dec 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

* *** ****** ********* **** *********** this **** ****** *** **** ******* for *** **** *****. *** ** I ******'* *** *** ******** *** the ********** *** ** ******* ******** from ********* *** *** *** ***** what *********** **** ***** ** *** next **** ** ***.

Michael Miller
β€’Dec 08, 2020

** **** **** ** ******** **** clients ***** **** *** ******* ******** is ******* ** *** **** *********** is ***** ** ****.

Shannon Davis
β€’Dec 08, 2020
IPVMU Certified

*******. **** *** **** ******* * don't **** ** **** * ******* to * ******** **** ** * fad, *** ******** ** ******** ****** in *** ******. ***** *** ********** look *** ** ****** **** ****'* do *** ******** ** ***.

**** ****** *********** *** *** *** to *** ****** ** ***** ********* any **** **** *** *** **** that **** ****** ** *** ** already **** *********** ** ***** **'* prudent ** **** *** *** ***.

Undisclosed #2
β€’Dec 10, 2020

*******, ***** ****** ****** **** ****** Recognition *********

****** **** ******* *** *** ** facial *********** *****, ** *** ***** hand, *** *** ********** ** ******* for ******** ******* ** ********** ************ innovation.The ******** ******** ***********, which includes members that manufacture facial recognition tools, supports continued use of the technology by law enforcement agencies but backs measures that would increase transparency.

Undisclosed #2
β€’Dec 07, 2020

**** ** ** **** *****, ********** focus ** ** ***** ************ **** solve ***** ********* ********.

***** **** ****** **** *** **** is *** *****. ********* ********* ** actual ******** ** *******.