Ear Recognition Examined

Zach Segal
Published Oct 12, 2020 13:06 PM

Will ear recognition become a viable biometric? Facial, fingerprint, and iris recognition have all gained adoption, can ear join them?

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IPVM investigates the pros and cons of ear recognition compared to face recognition including interviews with leading experts Žiga Emeršič and Professor Mark Nixon and a review of various research papers on the topic.

Executive *******

***** *** *********** ******** **** *** uniqueness *** ******** ********** ** *** and **********, *** **** ***** ******* requirements ** **** ** ***** ******** by **** *** ******* ******** ********** its ********* ***. *** ***** ***** contrasts *** *********** ****** ***, ****, and **** ***********:

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Ears ******, *********, **** ** ****, ********** ** *****

******** ********* *** *********** *** * lot ** ******** *********:

  • **** *** ******, **** ******* *****, *** *********. This ***** **** *** ** **** for ************** **** ***** *** ************, and ** *******'* ****** ***** *** (left ** *****) ** ****.
  • *** ******* ********** ********** ** *****, **** * *****’* *** ** *******, the **** ***** ** **** *** recognition ******* *****.**** *** ************* **** *********** ** *** ***** and *** ********** ***** *** **** affected ** *****.
  • **** *** *** ******** ** **********, ****** ****, ** **** *****.

******************** *** **** ********** *****, **** Nixon**** **** **** *********** **** *** and **** ** ********** *** ****** scrutiny ***** **** * ********* *********:

** *** ********** ** **** ** they *** **** **** ***** **********. Is ****** **** * ****** ** grave ***** **** *** ******. ****, ears ***’* *****. ****** *** ************ concerned ***** *******, *** ***’* ******* their **** *** ****** *** *** even **** ***** ******. ** **’* an *********** *****.

****** ************, *** ****** *** ** captured ******* ***********.

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High *** ******, ******** ** ******** *** *********

******** ********* **** *** *********** *** high ***** ************, ** ******** ******** by ******** *** **** ****, ** affected ** **** ********* **** **** and ********, *** ** ******** ** camera *****. ********************* ******* ********* *********** ** *** * *** pixel *** ***** (~*,*** ***) ** twice ** ******** ** *********** ** 125 * *** ****** *** * times ** ******** *********** ** *** images **** **** **** **** ** X ***.

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**** ***** ********* ***** ***** *** recognition ** ********. *******, ** ****** corridors **** **** *******, **** ** airport ** ****** *******, *** *********** cameras ***** ** ******** ***** **** would ******* ****** ****** *** ******** recognition, ******** ******* ******* ****** ***** still ** * *******.

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*** **** ******* ***** **** *** ear ** ********* ** **** ***** of ********, ****** **** *** **** is ****** (***) ** * ***** degree, ** *** ***** ** ********. This ** ******* ** *** **** recognition ******** ***** **** * ******* is ******* ****.

*** ********** *** **** *********,Ž*** ****š*č, **** **** **** ******** ****** angle *** ** ******, *** **** of ** ****** **** ***/********** ****** angle. **** ***** **** ***** *** requirements *** ** * **** *********** obstacle ** ***** ******** ******* **** camera ****** ** *****. *** ******* also ***** **** *** *********** ** resilient ** ****** *********/*********** **** **** and ******** *** *** ******* *********:

***** *** ****-* ****** ****** ********** unaffected *** ***** *** **** ********** (i.e. ******* *** *********** ** **** covering ******* ***** ** *** ****), severe ********** (*.*., **** ** *** accessory ******** ****** **** ** *** ears) ***** ************ *********** ************ *** the ******** ** ****** **********.

******** ** *********:

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******* ********** **** ******** *** ****** ** the *** **** ***** ***** ***** have * ** ********** ***** ******, indicating ******* ********* ** **** **** (such ** *******) ***** **** * large ****** ** ********. ** ********, over-the-ear **********, ********, ***********, *** ***** items *** ********** ***** *** *** making *** *********** **********.

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Lower ******** **** **** ***********

*** **** *** *********** ********** ******** 99% ******** ** ***** ********** *** 63% ** **** ********* ****, *** this ***** ******** ***** ** ******* of ******* *** ********. ******** ****, *** ********************* **** **** ** ******* **% accuracy. *** *** ********* ** *** 2019***********, ***** **** *** **** ************ *********** ******** **,*** **** **** ******* images, ********, ****, *** **** ****** diversity******** **% ********.

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***** ***, **** *** **** ***** the **** **** ******** ** **% and *** ******* ********** **** **********:

*** ******* ** *** ********* **** show **** ***** *** **** ************ progress ***** *** ***** **** ** 2017, *** **** ***** ** ***** ample **** *** ******* ******** ** this ****.

*** **** ** ***** *** ******** could ** *** *** *********** ** less ******** **** **** ***********.

No **** ** **** **** ********* **** ******** *******

******* **** *** ****** ***** **** found ** **** ** ***** ********* or ******-***** ****, *** ** *** real ***** ***** ***** **** ****** hair *** **** *** ***********, ****** it ******** *** ******** ************* ** occur.**** ***** ***** ********** (**% ** **% ********), *** female ******** *** **** ****** **** or **** ******** ** ******* **** males. ****, *** **** ************** ******** *** ******** ********* *** ****** ** *** algorithms *** ***** ** **** ** bias:

***** *** ********** **********, ****** *** ethnicity **** *** ******** ****** ** identification *********** - *** ******* *** all ********* ** ***** ********** *** very *****, ***** *** ***** *********** differences *** ****** * *********** ** the ********* ****** ** ****** ** each ********

*******, ****š*č ****** **** **** ************* analysis ** *********** ** ****** ****** that * ******** ** ***** *** have *** **** **** ** *** many *********** *** ******** ***********, ******* to **** **** ***. ** ********, many ***** **** *********** **** ******* their ****. ** **** ********* **** bad ****/**************** **** **** ***** ***** bias, **** ** *** *********** *** not ********** ******:

** ** *** ****** **** ******** would **** ****, * ***** *** that *** ****** *** ****** ******** data **** **** *** **** *** model (**** ********* *** *******).

Lack ** ******** *** *** ************** ******* ******** ****

**** *** ** ********** **** *** authentication *** **** *** **** ****** adopted.** **** *** **** ************ **** *** *********** *** *********** did *** ****** ****. ** ********,****** *** * ********* ***** *** *********** ** ****** a ********** *** *** *** *********** it ** *** **** ******. ** addition,*** *** ******* *********** ************ ***** ******* ********* **** imaging, *** ******* ***** ****** *** 2018, **** **** *** **** *******.


***** *** *********** *** ******** ****** and ** *********** ** ***** ************, it ***** ** **** ** ****** corridors **** ** ** ******** ** metros *** *********** ** *** ************** in ****** ** ****** *******. *******, because ********* *** **’* **** ** be *******, *****, ***** ** ***** heralded ** *** ******* ********* ** ear **** **** ***********, *** *** affect *********** (***** **** **** ** the ******* ******** ** **********) **** much.

Poll / ****

Comments (6)
Undisclosed #1
Oct 12, 2020

*********** **** ******* ***** **** *** finger ***-******* **** ****** ** * dead ** *** ********, **** ***** be * **** *********** ** ****** recognition.

Zach Segal
Oct 12, 2020
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

** ***** ** * *** ** replacing ********* ************** ***** ***** * less ************ ********* **** **** ***********.

Anthony Jones
Oct 12, 2020

*********** *******. **** ** ***!

Brian Rhodes
Oct 12, 2020
IPVMU Certified

*********** *******.

******** ****** ***** *** ** ******, but **** ** ** ****** **** yaw/horizontal ****** *****.

** ***** *******/*******/*** '*******' ****** ************* to *** *******'* **** *** * clear '*** ****' *** ******?

Zach Segal
Oct 12, 2020
IPVM • IPVMU Certified

** ***** *******/*******/*** '*******' ****** ************* to *** *******'* **** *** * clear '*** ****' *** ******?

**********. **** ***** *** *** ****** to *** ****** ******* *****'* ** vertical ***** **** ***.

Undisclosed #2
Oct 13, 2020
