Security Fence Guide

Published Oct 24, 2018 15:07 PM

Fences, while a low tech barricade, are a cornerstone of good security. Few physical security elements are as effective at keeping threats away as security fences, even keeping heads of state and presidents safe:

***** ****** *** ********, ***** ***** are *** **** *** * ***** situation? ** **** **** ** ****** the ***** ***** **** ** ******** today, *** **** *** *********, *** the ******** **** ** ***** *******.

Major *****

* ***** **** ** ****** ******* over ** ******** *****, **** **** walls, *********, *** ********** ********. **** *** years, ****** **** ****** ************* ******** aside **** **** ******** ************, *** the ******* *** *******. *******, ** commercial ********, ****** *** ********* *** of ***** *****:

  • *****-****
  • ******/********
  • ****** ****

***** ***** *** **** ******* **** are *******, ******, *** *** ***********. All ***** ***** *** *********** ** metal, ******* ***** ** ********, *** are ********* **** ***** ***** *** concrete ***********. *******, *** ******** *********** and **** **** ****** ******* *****, and ********* ******* **** * *** role ** *********** **** **** ** best.

Chain ****

*** **** ****** ******** ***** **** is **** *** ***** ********* ** the ***** ******* *******. '*****-****' **** a ****** ** ********** ***** *****, usually ******* ** ***** (*.***" ***) and * ***** (*.***" ***) *********.  High-security *** ********** ***** **** *************** ******* * ***** ** ******* wire, *** ***** ******* ********* ***** between *' - **' ****.

*** **** ********** *************, ***** ********** look **** ****:

** ******** ** *** *****-**** ******, these ****** ******** ******* ******** ******* or ***** ** ******/***** **** ***** the ***. **** ******** *** ******* height, *** ********* *********** ********* ********* from ****** ******** *** ***** *** gaining *****. ** **** *****, *** wire ** ******* ** '**** ****' that ***** ********* ****** *** **** of ******** ****. "*******" ** **** to ******** *** *** ****/******* ** the ****** *** **** ********, ******* with ****** ** ****** ********.

Chain **** *********

**** *****-**** ****** *** ********** ******* enough **** ******* ******* ** ***** cannot ****-*******, *** ** *** ******* major **** ********** ** *** ******* by *** ** **** *******. ********* all ***** ********** *** ********** ** painted ** ******* ********* **********, *** chain **** *** ********* **** *** 30+ ***** ** *** *****. *************, chain ****** ** *********** ** ****** damage, *** *********** ******* / ***** rather ******.

*******, ******* ***** **** ** ***** from ****, ** *** ** *** or ******* **** **** *******, *** typically ** *** ****** ****** ** stop ****** ********. ******** *** ********* chain-link ****** *** ********* ** ************ with *********** ********* *** * *** laborers, ****** ** ***** *** ****** installations ** ** ******** ** ******* equipment ** *********.


***** **** ****** *** ************* *** least ********* ****, **** ********** ****** costing ******* $** - $** *** foot *********.


*** **** **** ****** *****-**** ** a ****** ***** *****. ***** ********* often ******** ****** ****** ** ****** and ******, ******** *******, **** ****** 'palisades' *** ***** *** **** ******** types, ***** ******** **' ** ****** and **** * ***** ** **********, sharp '*** **********'. * ******* ****** fence ***** **** ****:

****** ******* ********* ****** ******* **" and *****, *********** ********* ** * 'solid ****'. ** *******, ********** ******* are ****** **** **' ****, *** pickets *** ********* ~*"-*" *****. ********* these ****** *** ***** **** ********* pickets, **** **** ***** **** *****, so **** ******* ****** *** ** replaced ** **-********** ** ********** *******. In **** *****, ******* *** *********** of ***** ******** ** **** **** cannot ** ******* **** ******* **** chain-link.

***** ****** *** ********* ***** *** durable ****** ** ********* ******** *****, but *** ***** ********** ** ******* damage, ******** *** ******* **** ****** be ************* ******* ** *** *******. Pickets *** **** ** *******, *** unless ******** **** ****-******* **** ** barbed **** ******* *** *** **** a ******* ***** ********. *******, ****** chain-link, ******* ****** ** **** ** deformed ** ****, *** ********* *** more ************* ********** **** *****-****.

******* ********* *** ***-********** ** ******** and ******* ** *** ***** *** quick ********. *******, ********** ***** ********** *** light ****** ** ** *********** ** installed ** ****.


******/********* *** ********** ********* *** ***** widely ** *****, **** **** ********** types ******* ******* $** - $*** per ****, *********.

Welded ******

*** **** ***********, ********, *** *********** fence **** ** ****** *** *** 'welded ****' *****. **** *****-****, **** type ** ********* *********** ** ***** wire, ******* **** **** *** ** more **** *.**" ** ******** *** is *** **********, *** ******* ****** together ** ***** ********* ** * 'mat-like' *******. ****** **** ****** ********* reach ******* ******* **' ** **', and *** ** *** ******** ** the ******** *** ****-***** ** **** greater *******. * ******* ****** **** fence ** ***** *****:

***** **** ********** ******** *******, ****** wire ****** *** ******* **** ********* to ***** ****. *** ******* ******* wire ******* ** ******* ** ***** that ******* ****** ** ******** ******* them, *** ******* ******* **** *** top by ******** ***** ****** ** *********** difficult. ********, *** **** ********* *** close ******* ********* ******** **** ********, or **** ******** ******* **** ******** more **** *********** ********. ** ***** to *** ** ******* ** ****** wire, ** ******** ********* ***** * torch ** ******* **** **** ******** outside *****. 

****** ****** ****** ********* **** ****** ballistic ******** ** ********* * ******* vehicle ******, *** **** ** * screen *****, *** ********* ****** ****** undamaged. ********** ****** *** ***** ******** of ******, *** ***** ***** **** and ******* ** ****** ****, *** observability ******* *** ***** ** **** marginally **** ********** **** *****-****.

******* ** ***** ******* ************ ******* and ********* *****-*******, *** ********** **** wire ***** *** *** ****** ****. However, **** ********* ** ***** *** ********* must ** ******* ******* *** *** of ***** ** ******. ********** ****** panels *** ** * ******** ** more pounds, *** ** ******* ****** ******** at *** ******* ** * *******, meaning ***** ******* *** *********.


****** **** ****** *** *** **** expensive, **** ****-******** ***** ******* ** price ******* $*** - $*** *** foot, *********.

Determining ***** ******

*** **** ****** ******** ***** ****** fence ****** **: "*** **** ****** they **?" ******* **** ********* ** authority, *** *** ****** ** ****** discussed ** ******** *******. *******, ****** ******* on * ******* ** *******, *********:

  • ****** *******:* ***** ******** ****** ** ********* a ***** ******** *** **** ** 48" ****, ***** * ***** ******** to ********* ********* *** ** **' or **' ****. *** **** *********** surrounding * ***** ******* ******, **** constraints **** ****** *********, *****, ** visual ************ ******* ******* ******.
  • ********* ******: *** **** ****** ** ********** fences **** * **** ***? ** general, ****** *** ****** *** ****** inward **** *** *********, ** ***** to ******** **** ** ***** **** guard ****** *** ** ********* ******** the ******** ********** **** ******* *********. The ******* ****** ** *** ********* influence ***** ******.
  • **** ** ********:* ******* ****** ******** *** ********* security *************** *** **** ******** ** an ************ ******** ********. ***** ******** security ********* ******** **** * ***** is *********, *** ********** ** *** fence (********* ******) **** **** ********* to ********** ****** ***********.

**** **********, ********** ** ****, ** not ********* ********** ****** **** ******* lower **** **' ***** ******, *** high ******** ********** ********* *** ****** 18' ** ******.

Inherent Security *****

*** ******* ********** *** "* *'* ** ********: *****, ******, ****, ***** *** ******" like ****** ****** ***. ******** ********** were ******* *** ***** ****** ** enhancing ******** ********* ***, *** **** are ***** **** *** *** **** purposes *****. **** ** ***** ** keeping *** ******* ** * ******** in *** **********, * ******** ***** barrier ** ********* ** **** **** the **** ******** ***** ************ ****** can **** ***********.

***** **** *********, ****** ******* ******** legal **********. ** **** **************, ** order ** ******* '****-********' ****, *** boundary **** ** ******* ******.  ****** define ***** **********, ******** * ****** zone, *** ***** ********** ********* ********. While ***** ********* *** ************ *** advanced *** ****** ********* ******, **** modern ***** **** ******** ********** ******** to **** *****.

Security ************

** *** ********* ******** ** ******* some ** *** ****** ************** ******** into ********* ****** **** ******** ******* safety ** ******** ** *** ***** installation:


** ******* *******, *********** ****** *** presumed ** ***** *** ******* ******** with ******* ******** "**** *******" ** thousands ** *****. ***** *********** *****'* deterrence ***** ****** *** ** ***********, *** actual ****** ** *** *************** ** more '******* **********' **** '******* *****'.

***** ******** *** ****** ****, *** amperages *** ***, *** ******** ** electricity ** ***** ******** ** *****-***** is ********* **** ** ***** ********* or *******. *** ******** ******, ***** lines ********** ********* *** ********** *******, but * ********** ****** ** ***** able ** **** *********** ****** ** introduce ****** ****** ******: 

Rolls ** **** 

******* ******** ** *********** ***** *** rolls ** ****** ** ***** ****. Wire ***** ******* *** '**** *****' value ** ****** *** ******* * lightweight ****** ** ********** ******** ********* when **** ** ****** *****. **** high ******** ************* *** **** ** conjunction **** ****** ** ******* ******** layer ** ********, *** **** *********** fences, * ********* ****** *** *** holes ******* ***** ***** ******. *** main ******* ** **** ** *** added **** ** ***** ** ******** to ********* ** ********** ********* *** opportunity *** ***** ******* ** ****** the *******:

Intrusion *********/************

* **** *********** ** ****** *** surveillance ******** *** ******** ********* ********* systems. ****** ******** ** *** ************ vertical *** ******** ****** **** ********, ****** thermal *******, *** **** * **** range ** *********** ******* ***** ** this ***********. ******* ************* ******, ******** PIR/laser *******, ** ********* ********* *****, adding ********* *********** ** **** *****-***** are * ****** ********:


******* ****** *********** ** *** ******** of ******* ***** ***** *****-*****, ********** along border ** '**** ********' **********. ***** illicit ********** **** ***** **********, **** locations ******* '********* **** *****'. ****** night *****, *** ****** ********* *** be ** ****, *** ****** ***** increases *** '*****-***' ******** ** *****-*****. ***** **** may * ***-******** ****** ** *** strength ** ******, ******** *** **** a ****** ****** ** *** ************* during ***** **** *****: 


* ******** ******* ** ***** ******* are gates, ***** *** *********** ******* ******** of *****. *** ******* **** ******* ** application *** ***** **** ********** - different ***** *** ****** ** **** intruders ****** ******* ******* *********** - but * **** ***** ** ******** operators *** **** ****** *** *********. For **** ****** ** *****, *** our "******** ***** ********".

[****: **** ***** *** ********** ********* in ****, *** ******* *** ******** in ****.]

Comments (15)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 24, 2018

Picket/Palisades used to be the go-to fence in the UK. The issue is the two types, if you use the cheaper 2 horizontal bar top and bottom, they grab the fence and rattle it until the weld loosens then unscrew it or they use a car jack to spread the bar to crack the weld off and unscrew the headless bolt. You really need 3 bar palisade with a centre bar to help stop the spread / rattle attack. On either type, they can bend the top over to stop "feminizing" themselves and jump over.

The welded fence ( Prison mesh ) which is increasingly the default. It's a pain for them to cut and hard to cut and can look better if the colour is right.

Brian Rhodes
Oct 25, 2018
IPVMU Certified

On either type, they can bend the top over to stop "feminizing" themselves and jump over.

I admit, it took me way too long to figure out what you meant by this.  I think this is a non-graphic way of describing impalement on pickets.

Terrence Harless
Oct 25, 2018

Fence fabric being used in the electric utilities market is louver type. It looks similar to a cheese grater and is considered cut & clime resistant. To cut this type of fence you typically need a power tool and will take you several minutes. The fence also blocks the line of site when looking at the fence from angles.

Dori Ribak
Oct 26, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

Yeah, you need to be really sophisticated... you just lay a ladder against it.
Some just put those fences to protect against shooting not really against climbing.

Terrence Harless
Oct 26, 2018

20' - 24' drop on the other side would sure stun the intruder.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 06, 2018

lay a ladder there, put on the barbwire a carpet/coat/blanket, and there is a lightweight utility against dropping, called R.O.P.E.

Dori Ribak
Oct 26, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

Would have been happy to contribute to this article, especially to the intrusion detection part because so much is missing there.
Also not clear the emphasis on electrified fences, they are illegal in some places and definitely not the most popular add on anymore. Electrified systems are easy to bypass and honestly don't scare anyone anymore... all you need is a blanket or gloves.

Choosing a fence that is designed for security is important too, common mistake is putting concrete pillars along the fence, choosing a "good looking" fence or using a wooden fence. More and more people understand "stupid" fence is not stopping most people from breaking in and the most efficient way to have a true security fence is to have a sensor on it to indicate any cut or climb of the fence otherwise you can save the money on the fence because it's not going to stop anyone.

Terrence Harless
Oct 26, 2018

Nothing like hundreds of thousands of false alarms due to not maintaining the fence or adjusting sensitivity of the system, just saying. 

Dori Ribak
Oct 26, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

You clearly have not dealt with fence sensors in the last 10 years.

Terrence Harless
Oct 26, 2018

Haha, let me guess, the technology behind your product has been improved so much you have virtually no false alarms. Unfortunately I have dealt with several manufacturers in the past 10 years. Most systems are either turned off or removed within 2-4 years, or they just deal with the false alarms. Corrections has been the only industry I've worked in that maintain their fences enough that fence sensors seem to work properly. 

Dori Ribak
Oct 26, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

I have not mentioned anything regarding my products because this is not a sale pitch.

I'm just going to tell, you have no idea what you are talking about. You are one of those guys that saw 5 systems and judging based on it while I saw 1000 with some going strong for 10+ years.

Also yes some products out there are so bad they get turned off after couple of years, it has nothing to do with the physical fence.

Brian Rhodes
Oct 26, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Thanks for the comments Dori.

Around my area, electrified lines on fence are commonly used to discourage animals from damaging them or jumping them.  I think deterring people (not just detecting them) probably is pretty weak for many fences.

Does that sound right?  What do you see is the most effective deterrent on climbing/tampering with fences?

Dori Ribak
Oct 26, 2018
RBtec Perimeter Security Systems

Hi Brian,

My experience is that some people still believe in electrified fences for security since they have this medieval need to "hurt" the people who break in thinking they will actually electrocute them not understanding that by using electric fence you choosing inferior technology that does not last the test of time or security. On top of that electric fence have a monthly cost that other solutions usually don't have.

The reality there is no real deterrent for people who really want to break in. I talk to hundreds of people a week who got broke in to and they all have similar stories no matter what type of barrier they had since it is becoming more often that burglars will drive through the fence with a stolen car/truck. In this case if you didn't have some kind of sensor you will only find out the next day.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 06, 2018

Our problem is not with intruders, but with insiders who want to steal stuff by throwing things out through the fence .

Undisclosed End User #3
Nov 10, 2018

Opinions on landscape deterrence engineering/design (there is a specific, professional term for this type of engineering and that name escapes me at this moment), for instance:  Spiny, irritating cacti/succulent kept to four feet high, planting progressively 'spinier/thornier' and taller  foliage, up to 5-8 feet high (Agave??) close to the side of the house one's attempting to protect?

I'm asking particularly because there is a big push in our area of the City (the highest crime area for the last 4 years) to "use the landscape..." to 5-D crime (burglary, larceny, vandalism, home invasion), and a local businessman owns an incredible cacti/succulent farm on one edge of town.

If my question is too specific (sounds like I'm shopping) feel free to be as vague as necessary so I don't make anyone step on anyone's toes. There's an incredible air of respect in this forum, even among those who disagree, I don't want to tread on. Thanks for your time and consideration!