RapidSOS' "AI Copilot For 911" Harmony, Analyzed

Published Jun 26, 2024 15:03 PM

Just a few months after RapidSOS' $150 million fundraising, the company announced "the first AI copilot for 911" called Harmony. How is it going to work, and what are the concerns?

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In this report, we examine Harmony, its risks and advantages, the current state of adoption, and several competitors.

For more details on the company, see our recent profile RapidSOS $150 Million Fundraising And Growth Prospects Analysed.


***** *** *** ** **** *** generative ** *** ********** *** ********** of *** *********** *** ***** **** more ******* **** ***********, *** ********* of ******** **** ** ***** ****** and ******* ********* ****** *** ********—** 911 **** ****** *** ******* **** life-and-death **********, ******** **** ** ** can **** ****** ************.

** *** ****** ************ ** *** 'AI-copilot,' ******** ********** *************** ****** ***** **** ********** ******** (for *******, **** ****** *******), **** by ****** **** **** ******** ******* about *** **** *********, *** *** with ************* *** *****/***** ********.

********' ******** ** **** ******* **** with ***** **** ********** ******** ***** sense, ** (*) ************** ***** *** false ****** **** ***** ***** *** RapidSOS/Harmony, (*) *** **** ******* ** typically ****** **** ********** ****** ********* as **** **** **** ***** ********* and *** ****** **** ****** ** emergencies, *** (*) ***** **** ********** centers **** ** * ********** **** of *** ***********' *** *** ***** help **** ******** *********.

******** **** *** ******** ******* ***** Harmony ** ******* ** *** ***** from ****** ** ***********, *** ** remains ** ** **** ** ** when *** ******* ******* ** ** so. ** ** ****, ***** *** multiple ******** ***** *** ****** ** duress ***** ***** ** * ***-***** operator *** **** ********** ** ********* would ** *********** ** ******* ** models **** ****** ****** ********.

******** *** *** ******* ** *** request *** ******* ** *** ***** associated **** ******** *** *****-** **********.


** *** ****, ************************, ** "** *******" ***** *** 911 *******. *** ******* ** ******** to "********* ******** ** **** ******** into *** *** ***** **********' ******** software *** *********** ********** ****** ** emergency", ** *** ******* ********* ** the ***** *******.

******* *** ********* **************' ********** ***- *** * ~*-****** ******* ** the *** ******** *****:

********, ******** ****** ******* ******* ** the ********** ********** *** *** ** was *********, *** ** *** ***** release, ** ********* **** ******* ** based ** ** *** **** * retrieval-augmented ********** (***):

******* ****** ******* *** ************ ****** including * ***** ******** ***** (***) with *********-********* ********** (***) *******-******* *** public ******.

*** ** * ******* **** ****** LLMs ** ****** ** "************* ********* base ******* ** *** ******** **** sources ****** ********** * ********," ***** ********* **.

Uses *****

** *** *********, ******** ********** ***** main *** ***** - (*) ****** the **** **** ******* ******* ******* to * ****** *********, (*) ********** and ********** ***** **** ********** *******, and (*) *********** *** ************ ***** and ********* ******/******** ******** ** *** emergency:

******* **** ********* ****** ****** ****** professionals **three ****:

  • Synthesizing *** *********** **** **** ***** around an emergency into one unified picture of an incident
  • ************* ****-*********,manual ********** ** ***** *****, making actionable data available faster with less human effort
  • Extracting *** ******** **** **** *** *****, including sentiment analysis, language ***********, keyword alerting, and video object detection, acting as the first AI co-pilot for 911 professionals communicating with those in need [emphasis added]

*** *******, *** ******* ******* ***** directly **** ****** ** ******** (*.*., someone ******* ***) *** ***** **** alarm ********** *** **** ******** ******* (e.g., ***, ******, ***.).

***** ** *** ********* **** * month ***, ******** *** **** ***** Harmony *** **** **** ***, ** its *** ****:

******* *** ******* **** *** ********** public ****** ** ***** ****. ********* the ******* *** ***** **** ********* 911 ***** ***** ****** **** ********** stations, ******** **** ***** ************* **** as **** *****, **** ********* *****, and ****** ********' ********* ** ****** feeds **** *** ***** ******* ** an ********

**** **** *** ******* **** *** disclose *** **** ******* *** **** in *** ** *** **** ********* are ***** **.

Risks **********

***** **** ****** **** ********** ** and *** *** ***** ******* ********** to *** *******, *** ***** ** using ** *** ****-***-***** *** ***** are ****.

** ******* ***** * ******* ***** processing *****, **** *** ** **** or *****, *** *** ********* *** severity ** ***** ******** ****** ** be ****.

******** *** *** ******* ** *** request *** *******, ** ** ******* to ** **** *** *** ******* addresses ***** *****.

Home ***** *****

************, ******** ** ***** **** ***** monitoring ******* ** * **** ***** with *******'* ***** *********** *******:

(*) *** ***** **** ***** ***** from ***** ********** ******** *** ***** as, **************, ***** *** ***** ******.

(*) **** ******* ** ********* ******, as ***** ********** ****** ********* **** consistent ********* *** *********** ***** ********* and *** **** ******** **** ****** in ***********. **** ***** *** **** of ************ *** ********* **** *** Harmony, ********** *** *********** ** * mistake.

(*) ***** **** ***** ********** ******* take ** * ********** ******* ** 911 ***** ****** ******* *****. ****, reducing *** **** ********* ** **** calls ***** *** *********** ** **** with ***********.

Harmony *** ****** *** *****

******** **** *** ******** **** ***** Harmony ********* ****** *** *****, *** the ******* ***** ********** *******'* **-*****/**** nature, ** *** *** ****:

Technology **** ***** ******* *** ******, ingenuity and professionalism of public safety ... We do believe that AI *** ***** ** * ******* *** ***, automating the mundane and redundant tasks and feeding the most important inputs into the life-saving expertise and work of public safety [emphasis added]

** ******* ** ** **** **/**** the ******* ******* ** ****** *******'* use ** ****** *** *****. ** RapidSOS ******* ** ** **, **** adds ******* ******* ***** *** ****** in ****-****** ********** **** ***** ** a ***-***** ********.

************, ***** ** ********** *** ****** 911 ***** *** *** ********* ** significantly ****** ******** *******' ***** ********, ******* ** ******* ******* *** other ********.

Growth *******

************ ** ********** **, *** *** staffing ********, *** *** ******* ********** from *****-**** ******* ** ****-********** ******** centers ******* ** ********* ***** ***** of **** *** ********* ******* **** can ****** *******'* ********.

*** *********** ****** ** *********** **** ******* ** *** ******** shortage *** *** ********** ** *** new ********** ** ******** *******.

************, ***** ******** ***** *** ******** emphasize ****, *** ***** **** ********* for ******** ******* ** ********** *** RapidSOS *********, ** **** ****** ********' Harmony ** ** ****** ****** (**** still ******* ***** *******).

Pricing ***********

******* ** ********** ** * ******** offering **********' *******. *********, **** ******** ******* ** a **** ******* **** ** *** included ** *****.

**** ***** ** ****** *** ******* in ********' ********* **** *** *******.

Current ***** ** ********

******* *** ******** **** * ***** ago, *** **** ***** ******* *** ****** ***** *******- ******, **. (*** *** ***** news ********, ******* ** **** *** language ***********, *** **** ******* **** it ** **** ** ****** *** calls). **** ******** **** **** ******* use *******, *** *** ******* ***** of ******** ** *******.

* ******** ************ ** *********/**** **************** **** ***** *** ***** **** twelve *** ******* **** ******* ******** or ********* *********:

** ***,fewer **** * ***** ********** in seven states across the country are using or testing artificial intelligence in their 911 centers

*** ******* ** ************** ** ** systems *** ****-****** ** *** ******* already *** ***** ** ************** ** Colorado, ********, ********, ******, ***** ********, Texas, *** ********.

***** ****, *** ****** *** ****** grown, ** ********** ** ** ******* at * ***** *****, *** **'* difficult ** ******** *** **** ******* use ******** ** ***********.


**** **** *** **** ****** ***** the *****; *******, ** ***** *** companies,*************, ***** **-***** ********** ** ******** centers.

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******* ** * **-***** ******** ******* developing "***** ***** ***-**-*** ******* ******** contact ****** *********". ** *** ******* in **** *** ** ********** $***+ ******* ** ****, **** ********* *********** ** ***** ****(*********** ****** **** **&* ********). *** company's ******** ***** ~*** ********* **** a **% *-**** ******:

IPVM Image

***** *******'* ********* *** ************ *** dispatch ******* (** "********* ******* *******"), AWS' ****** ******* ** * **** specified ** *********. *** *******,** ********* *********, * ******** ****** ** ** uses ****** ******* *** ********* ***-********* calls ** *********** *********:

** ***** ********, *** *******,Amazon ******* ** **** *** ***-********* ***** in Charleston County's Consolidated Emergency Communication Center. When a caller dials the county’s non-emergency line, Amazon ******* **** ****** *** *** *** ****** **** **** **** **** ****. The system will redirect *** ****** ** *********** *********, allowing human dispatchers to focus on emergency call-taking [emphasis added]

******, ** * ******* ** * Virginia ***** **** ******* **** ***** ** * *** ****** using ****** *******, *** ******* **** ** "**** not *********" **** ****** ******* ****** not ** **** *** ****** *** calls:

We ** *** ********* *** ** ****** ******* *** *** ******* *** ********* ** *** *****,” wrote Amazon Senior PR Manager Shawnee Cohn in an email. “However, there are use cases where 911 ********* *** ******* ***** ** ****** ******* for resolution — after * ***** **** ***** *** ********** ***** ***** ** *** ******* * ****** ****** ********. While we can’t predict the future, what I can tell you is that that I’m excited about opportunities for AI to empower public safety decision-makers with better data,” Cohn wrote. [emphasis added]

**** ********** ** *** ****** **** Amazon ******* ** ******* ** ***-********* calls **** *** ****** ** *** center ** ******** ** ****** *** calls.
