Subscriber Discussion

ZKteco Touts Gender And Race Equality, Despite Recent Discrimination Cases

Charles Rollet
Jul 14, 2023

Background: ZKTeco recently posted job ads for a "male sales associate" and listed a camera that could detect both "race" and "gender".

******'* ******** **** ** ********* *** "***** ******" *** *** "highest ********* ** ***************":

IPVM Image

**** ********* *****************:

** ******, *** **** ****** *** deeply ********* ** *** ********* ******* and **** * ******** **** ** shaping ***** ****** ** *** ******** operations. ***** ****** ***** *** ************ with *********, *********, ********, *** ***********, ensuring **** ** ************ ****** *** commitments *** ******** *** ******* ********* of ***************.

[...[ ** ***committed ** ********* ****** ********and welcoming individuals of all orientations to join our company. We value each employee's unique perspectives and believe that a diverse workforce strengthens our organisation.

** *** ****** **********, ***** ******* dozens ** ******** *********, ** ********** hiring ***** ***** *** *** ******** branches. ***primary ****** ******** ***** ** ** **********'* ******* *** ***************, ensuring that we maintain a diverse *** ******** ********* ********** ** **** ** *********. [emphasis added]

** **** *** ****** ***** ***** by ****, ****** *** *** ******* to ******** *** ******* *** ******** deleted *** *** ********.


John Honovich
Jul 14, 2023

**'* ****** **** ***** ********* ***** don't ******* *** **** **** ******* about *** **** *** *** ****** in *** ****.

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