Subscriber Discussion

Looking For AI /Video Analytics Training Or Information That Isn't Manufacturer Specific

James Gowan
Feb 25, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Is there a good source of information or training about video analytics and Artificial intelligence.  I would be most interested in training that was not manufacturer specific or a sales pitch.  We are expanding a lot of what we do with video security and I have bee tasked with learning all I can about these types of tools.


Thanks everyone.


James Gowan

Undisclosed #1
Feb 25, 2019

I would suggest going on a reading and youtube binge. Search for Python, R, Keras, Tensorflow, Octave. Python has many code samples free on the net or GitHub using numpy, panda. There are also ample amounts of C++ samples on forums. You do not need to become a hardcore programmer, you just need to dabble, get used to the framework and implementation basics, jargon etc.

I think IPVM is getting some gear to start testing keep on the lookout as they will transfer their AI and ML testing into the security and video vector.

Luca Fogliati
Feb 26, 2019

James i would suggest an online course runt by a university.i don't want to promote anything but a friend of mine who's an engeneer did one about machine learning and ai that was runt by MIT Massachussets and was online and he was satisfied with it.Offcourse you'll have to be ready to pay $$$$$

Tyler Renelle
Feb 26, 2019

The main two resources I recommend are:

- Stanford's CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Ancient Secrets of Computer Vision

(those are landing pages for their YouTube playlists, poke around page to find playlist). They're a bit further along the machine learning curriculum, so if you don't have any basic machine learning background hit the basics:

- Andrew Ng Coursera
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

Those 4 resources in mind, if you're hardcore and in a hurry, Ancient Secrets is your guy. If you want to go slower, I've a podcast that guides the learning process stepwise, including discussing the above resources in turn: Machine Learning Guide.

John Honovich
Feb 26, 2019

James, thanks for the question.

Tyler is leading IPVM's efforts on testing and training AI. You can see some of his existing posts - Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 / Movidius AI TestFacial Detection Tested and Amazon Rekognition Facial Detection Tested. Those are more advanced / niche topics but Tyler is also working towards more fundamental video surveillance AI training.

One tool we have built to help with that is our AI Model Tester. This too is more advanced but it lets you upload your own videos (e.g., from your own system) and see how well (or not) various AI models / systems will work.

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