Lazy Venturebeat Reporting Touts BRS Labs For AI

John Honovich
Nov 10, 2017

BRS Labs is long dead but not to the journalists at VentureBeat.

VentureBeat is touting AI (AI could improve real-time emergency response) and one proof point, to them, is BRS Labs:

“We are recognizing a precursor pattern that may be associated with a crime that happens,” said Wesley Cobb, chief science officer for BRS Labs — the company responsible for similar cameras installed in Boston after the 2013 marathon bombing — in an interview with Bloomberg. Unusual loitering activity or trespassing can be automatically detected [LINKS TO GENETEC] using behavior patterns, allowing a quicker response time when things escalate to a crime or emergency.

This is some lazy reporting. Sure, googling returns those BRS Labs results but you would hope for some form of fact checking if that BRS Labs system, or the company itself, was still in business and not facing a lawsuit for embezzlement.

What is not in doubt is the hype for AI, which is far far outstripping right now what AI is doing for emergency responders or security operators.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 12, 2017

I wonder if they're hiring?  I think they'd hire pretty much anyone...

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