Hikvision Uyghur Detection Investigated By The China Project

Conor Healy
Aug 22, 2023
IPVMU Certified

The China Project covered Hikvision's continuing sales of Uyghur tracking technology, revealed in a July IPVM article on a $6 million PRC government contract specifying the analytics. See: Hikvision Uyghur Recognition, NVIDIA-Powered, Sold To PRC China Authorities

This was the latest of several examples of Hikvision offering Uyghur/ethnic minority analytics, despite years of assurances from Hikvision that it stopped selling them.

Beginning in 2016, China has subjected Uyghurs in Xinjiang to highly-invasive surveillance and mass detention in concentration camps, which the United Nations said may amount to Crimes Against Humanity.

The China Project also cites IPVM's May 2022 white paper detailing Hikvision's involvement in the government's crackdown on Uyghurs, saying:

IPVM’s recent findings bolster its May 2022 White Paper, “Hikvision, Xinjiang, Uyghurs & Human Rights Abuses,” which showed that despite company denials, Hikvision cameras stood out as key culprits in China’s human rights abuses in the Uyghur region.

The China Project covers "China-focused news" aiming to inform "a global audience regarding the business, technology, politics, culture, and society of China."

In 2022, a former employee accused The China Project of being influenced by the Chinese government. However, its investigation here of Hikvision's Uyghur analytics squarely confronts issues that are negative for the PRC government and state-controlled Hikvision.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 23, 2023

While I doubt this will have any impact on the US market (as I think anyone who would be swayed by things like this have already been, and anyone still pitching HIK has "drank the Kool-aid"), I am curious what it will do in the European market for some dealers that may be "on the edge" in terms of ditching them there

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