Subscriber Discussion

Dahua Face Search Test Using Timothy Mcveigh

Michael Miller
Jun 13, 2018


John Honovich
Jun 13, 2018

Thanks for posting this.

I commented on this video at the end of the Hikvision facial demo thread, copied below:

They use a sketch of a person to do matching.

The main question / concern is how many other people are in the system. That's what makes facial recognition challenging. If you only have a handful of people captured, it's pretty easy to find the person you want.

Here is an excerpt of their results screen:

Clearly, they imported the same images over and over. The sketch matches 83% to a mugshot photo. Whether that is good or bad depends on how many other people would match over 83% in a real scenario with thousands of people captured.

Mateusz Zapotoczny
Jun 13, 2018

I had around 60.000 faces captured (3 days). Most of them some celebrities, because I used videos like "Cloud Atlas" (interesting, because I could use Tom Hanks picture to find all his "roles), "Justice League" and other trailers.

Of course you are right, I'm not claiming that "Dahua Face Recognition will detect person using police sketch every time", its just another possibility or way to limit amount of data needed to be searched. Even if the failure rate will be higher than usual, still it will help to limit amount of videos that needs to be searched using conventional methods.

I wanted to create short video about this interesting feature, longer videos are often skipped on social media. So if you have any more question according to this test, please feel free to ask here or just msg me. I will answer them all.


John Honovich
Jun 13, 2018

Mateusz, thanks for the response and the additional details!

My main concern with using movies or TV footage is that the video quality is quite good and far better than surveillance video. In particular, narrower FoVs and studio lighting eliminate major issues that hamper real-world surveillance (e.g., see the US politicians face recognition post to that point).

Even if the failure rate will be higher than usual, still it will help to limit amount of videos that needs to be searched using conventional methods.

I think that's a fair point though 2 thoughts:

(1) A lot of people want real-time facial surveillance alerts, not just search, a high failure rate is an existential threat (i.e., most people will turn it off rather than deal with multiple false alerts per day).

(2) How well search works in higher population real-world surveillance remains to be seen? For example, the Hikvision demo shows lots of search results but we don't how many times the search missed the target? In a real application, those misses could be a major problem. Also, in a higher traffic location (not a distributor office but a retail store or public place), the search results are likely to be worse given the far greater number of people. How much, of course, remains to be seen.

Now, if Dahua USA could actually ship these products, we could start testing :)

Mateusz Zapotoczny
Jun 16, 2018

You are right. This need to be tested more. We will do those tests here in Poland, but we know that some 3rd party should also test it out. 

If you have problems with getting this product in USA, we can ship it to you from Poland, and our engineers are more than welcome to provide support. Time difference can be a problem with live support, but their knowledge, skill and experience will compensate :) 

John Honovich
Jun 16, 2018

Mateusz, thank you for the offer! We may take you up on it but we're hoping we can get things handled smoothly from the US office :)

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