Subscriber Discussion

Company Cell Phone Policy

Jay Hobdy
Dec 14, 2018
IPVMU Certified

We are going to hand out 4 brand new cell phones Monday for field techs. We have several apps they have to have to have, and I felt it was time after our latest app requirement (A critical one), that we give them a phone. I am also tired of hearing it takes 2 people to aim a camera because they don't want to use the app due to bandwidth, their data plan, etc.


Plus my service tech is getting a lot of calls from clients to his cell directly so I need to control that or at least the phone in case it goes south.


What are the common rules?As far as I am concerned, no app should be installed unless approved. No face book, twitter, etc. I also feel the pain of having 2 devices so I think they should leave their personal device in the truck, and they should just have the company phone.They can give the # to their family for emergencies, etc.


Who is responsible if the phone gets lost or damaged?



John Honovich
Dec 15, 2018

Plus my service tech is getting a lot of calls from clients to his cell directly so I need to control that or at least the phone in case it goes south.

A classic discussion on that point: Some Customers Call Tech Directly, Refuse To Call Central Office

Jay Hobdy
Dec 15, 2018
IPVMU Certified



I was just in that thread.. I actually dug it up while looking for any posts on cell phone policy

Ryan Anderson
Dec 15, 2018

We deploy iPhones and use a Mobile Device Manager. We can purchase apps in bulk and push to groups or individual users, all without having an app store login or Apple ID. With the MDM, we can lock the phone, push SSID for wireless networks, setup email servers, etc. Our employees phones usually become their personal phone and if they choose to use their own Apple ID to download a game, they can.

The Mobile Device Manager has been a blessing

Daniel S-T
Dec 15, 2018

I was only finally issues a smart phone for about the last six months of my emploment when I worked for private companies, but policy always was work phone is for work. It wasn't heavily enforced, as long as you stuck within the cell plan. As in if the company was paying for x number of minutes and x number of texts, you didn't go over they didn't care. Once the smart phone came alone, now the amount of data used applied. One guy got a talking to a few time, since he never had his own smart phone he started using his work for a lot more personal stuff and went over a few times.

Lost or damaged, company usually covered first time. Second, third, fourth time was case by case.

Since I was not allowed to use my work phone for personal, my personal phone stayed with me. I feel like...if they wanna carry two phones they are going to. Especially if you are giving them a Smart Phone but don't want them to install any apps? Best way of keeping that enforced is by not making a big deal about their personal phone, unless they are always on it. Otherwise folks will be installing apps that you don't want on the company phone.

Where I work now, they almost seem to encourage everyone to use their work phone for personal use. Seems strange to me. I still use two phones, well actually one phone with dual sim.

Just my experiences as a tech, can't speak from the manager/owner side.

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