Camera Finder 6057 Cameras | 244 Manufacturers

Resolution The pixel count of the camera
Min FPS Max frame rate at max resolution (Subscriber Only)
CODECs The modes the camera supports
Form Factors The shape / physical type of the camera
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Transmission IP vs CVI vs TVI vs SDI, etc.
IPVM Tested Cameras IPVM has tested
Price $ to $ Estimated online price in US Dollars (USD) (Subscriber Only)
Outdoor Use IP Rating of camera (Subscriber Only)
Size Restrict cameras based on relative size for their form factor (Subscriber Only)
Vandal IK rating (Subscriber Only)
Max Weight The camera cannot weigh any more than this amount. (Subscriber Only)
Warranty Period Minimum Time period for repair/replacement coverage (Subscriber Only)
Operating Temperature Min: Max: Measured in Celsius, enter min and/or max (Subscriber Only)
Wireless Integrated Wireless support built inside of camera (Subscriber Only)
On-Board Storage The camera's internal storage support for recording (Subscriber Only)
Focal Type Restrict to varifocal or fixed
Wide Angle mm Cameras with this focal length or lower (i.e., wider AoV) (Subscriber Only)
Telephoto mm Cameras with this focal length or higher (i.e., narrower AoV) (Subscriber Only)
AoV Angle of View, measured in degrees (Subscriber Only)
Auto Focus Can the camera automatically re-focus? (Subscriber Only)
Lens Mount What type of lens mount is used (e.g., C or CS) (Subscriber Only)
Iris Type Choose from 4 types: Auto, Fixed, Manual and P-Iris
Panoramic Fisheye or Multi-imager panoramic cameras (Subscriber Only)
True WDR Restrict to multi-exposure WDR cameras (Subscriber Only)
Imager Size Measured in Inches (Subscriber Only)
Multi Imager Multiple imagers in a single camera. Select total number of imagers desired.
(Subscriber Only)
Imager Type Restrict to CMOS or CCD
Corridor Mode Camera supports 90° rotation for tall / portrait / hallway view (Subscriber Only)
Day/Night Support Checks for mechanical cut filter or dual imager (Subscriber Only)
Minimum Illumination Manufacturers lux claim. Be skeptical (Subscriber Only)
IR IR Illuminators Integrated into camera
Super Low Light Cameras that list enhanced night time quality
IR Range Manufacturer claimed IR max distance (Subscriber Only)
ONVIF Support Restrict to 1.x or Profile versions (Subscriber Only)
Audio Support Varying options available for audio support (Subscriber Only)
PTZ Cameras Mechanical / Optical PTZ cameras (Subscriber Only)
Optical Zoom Min The lowest optical zoom ratio required (Subscriber Only)
Pan Range Min Minimum degrees the PTZ must rotate horizontally (Subscriber Only)
Tilt Range Min Minimum degrees the PTZ must rotate horizontally (Subscriber Only)
Pan Speed Max The slowest pan speed required (in degrees per second) (Subscriber Only)
Tilt Speed Max The slowest tilt speed required (in degrees per second) (Subscriber Only)
PoE Support Is power over ethernet supported? (Subscriber Only)
Low Voltage Need AC or DC support? (Subscriber Only)
Max Power Consumption Limits to less than selection (Measured in Watts) (Subscriber Only)
Alarm Input Minimum Inputs or dry contacts supported (Subscriber Only)
Alarm Ouput Minimum Outputs or relays out supported (Subscriber Only)
Analog Out NTSC/PAL video output provided (Subscriber Only)
Model Find a specific model by entering model name
Model ToolsFormMax ResPriceIROutdoorSizeFPSCODECsFocal LengthAoVVandalWeightD/NWarrantyOp Temp RangeFocal TypeLens MountImager SizeImager TypeWDRIrisMin Lux RatingAuto FocusOn Board StorageSNMPVideo AnalyticsONVIFPoELow VoltagePowerAudioPanoramicOptical ZoomPan RangeTilt RangePan SpeedTilt SpeedAnalog OutAlarm InAlarm OutWirelessMulti ImagerCorridor ModeMulticast Transmission
Model ToolsFormMax ResPriceIROutdoorSizeFPSCODECsFocal LengthAoVVandalWeightD/NWarrantyOp Temp RangeFocal TypeLens MountImager SizeImager TypeWDRIrisMin Lux RatingAuto FocusOn Board StorageSNMPVideo AnalyticsONVIFPoELow VoltagePowerAudioPanoramicOptical ZoomPan RangeTilt RangePan SpeedTilt SpeedAnalog OutAlarm InAlarm OutWirelessMulti ImagerCorridor ModeMulticast Transmission

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