Subscriber Discussion

Video Retention Averages

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Aug 25, 2017

We had a client contact us about video retention. They are asking for video from a county jail and we're told they only keep a few months of video. This seemed odd to me given that the system is relatively new and the nature of the location. 

What are the retention averages for your clients? I assume they vary by client type. 


Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 26, 2017

I don't play a lawyer and frankly I had always been told California jails required 1 year even though many didn't do that.  A quick read disputes that.

According to this court decision the local jurisdiction can choose to delete after 100 days.

In 1997, the Legislature amended Government Code section 34090.61 to read as follows:

“(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 34090, the head of a department of a city, county, or city and county, public safety communications center, or the head of a special district, after one year, may destroy recordings of routine video monitoring, and after 100 days may destroy recordings of telephone and radio communications maintained by the department or the special district. This destruction shall be approved by the legislative body and the written consent of the agency attorney shall be obtained. In the event that the recordings are evidence in any claim filed or any pending litigation, they shall be preserved until pending litigation is resolved. “

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“(c) For purposes of this section, ‘routine video monitoring’ means videotaping by a video or electronic imaging system designed to record the regular and ongoing operations of the departments or districts described in subdivision (a), including mobile in-car video systems, jail observation and monitoring systems, and building security taping systems.”

As for normal, 14 to 30 days has been my experience except credit card processing, weed places and PCI servers for large retail chains. 

John Honovich
Aug 26, 2017
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