Subscriber Discussion

The ONE Argument That May Exist Against Physical Reset Buttons On Embedded Recorders

Robert Shih
Aug 31, 2017

Physical theft.

Not that I consider this to be a overtly critical issue, nor would I consider it a crippling counter-argument.

However, I COULD see some scenarios where the physical reset works against the interests of the end-user/installer in rare instances.

So, let's actually explore full pros and cons of physical reset buttons and see if we can mitigate the few cons we encounter in this discussion.

My theoretical solution would be dealer and end-user registration of serial numbers, but it might be cumbersome and could work against the distributor's interests.

John Honovich
Aug 31, 2017

Related to physical theft: Stolen Video NVR / DVR Statistics

Undisclosed #1
Aug 31, 2017
IPVMU Certified

What scenario would the DVR not get taken because of a lack of reset button?
Thief #1: Grab that DVR!
Thief #2: No way boss, it's a trap: this particular model doesn't have a hardware reset button. 
Thief #1: I'm cancelling your IPVM subscription today if you don't grab that DVR now!
Thief #2: Great, now I'll be on the phone with Hik tech support all day :(



Undisclosed Integrator #2
Aug 31, 2017

If someone has physical access to the NVR/DVR then they own it. Period. 

Take HikVision and TFTP as a good example. I don't need credentials to reset the NVR/DVR once I have physical access to the machine. All I need to do is run TFTP on the LAN and reboot the NVR/DVR a few times and the thing is set back to factory defaults. (Or I could just hit the thing with a hammer. Depends on the mood I am in)

Undisclosed #1
Aug 31, 2017
IPVMU Certified

My theoretical solution would be dealer and end-user registration of serial numbers, but it might be cumbersome and could work against the distributor's interests.

My theorectical solution would be a hardware reset button that could be disabled in software, for those who are truly worrisome.

Also, could be set to send an alert if reset attempted when disabled: "Somebody tried to reset me!"

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Sep 01, 2017

The issue is that NO ONE manufacturer keeps a list of registered units that ONLY provides support/resets to those individuals.  You get on the phone and make up a company name or say you bought it on ebay and yell enough, if there is a reset they will provide it.

Furthermore, if a unit was stolen, who actually reports it as stolen.  If it shows up for a reset, I highly doubt that it will be listed in their DB as stolen.

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