Why Video Surveillance Companies Should Blog

Published Jul 17, 2008 00:11 AM
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You are making a mistake by not blogging. It does not matter who you are. Blogging can have a very significant impact on your business at an extremely low cost.

You may object that you do not have a blog or that it's too time consuming or difficult. I want to share you that (1) it is easy and that (2) how you can get started immediately.

Why you Should Do it

  • Hundreds of industry insiders will learn about your talents
  • Make key connections for new jobs, new projects and new partnerships
  • Create a brand for yourself
  • Takes only 30 minutes and a few paragraphs.
  • How to Do it:

    If You Do NOT Have a Blog:

Use IP Video Market Info's “Write Your Own Review.” Select a topic or company and write your entry. You don't need to set up any software or a new site, just go to http://ipvideomarket.info/reviews/selector, select your topic or company, write your review and submit it.

Success Story: Last week, Kevin from Cyberwatch Security in San Jose wrote a review of an Arecont Vision camera [link no longer available] . In less than a week, the review has been read over 125 times. It's very apparent to me and the readers of that review that Kevin knows what he is doing. All it took was 3 short paragraphs to demonstrate this. Kevin has provided a service to the rest of the community. The next time a contact asks me for an integrator in the Bay Area, I will recommend Kevin.

If You Do Have a Blog:

If you have your blog, let me know. My software automatically scans RSS feeds, analyzes and organizes posts. I do this for a dozen top bloggers already.

Success Story: Envysion has a very active blog. In the last month, I have linked to 5 of their posts and sent over 140 visitors to their site. It's a great exchange. Envysion helps share information with the community and I help direct new readers to their blog.

Best Practices for Blogging

  • Share what you know.
  • If you are a security manager and your experience is using systems, tell people what you like and do not like. Trust me – lots of people, including manufacturers will benefit.
  • If you are an integrator and you choose products, explain what products you like.
  • If you are a manufacturer, explain why your new technologies are important and how they work. Use your products as an example and don't simply cut and paste your brochures.
  • Simple and short is fine. Don't worry about writing research papers.

Ok, ready to blog? Write your first blog now [link no longer available]. Thoughts?