Watch Video Surveillance Product Demos

Published Feb 26, 2009 03:48 AM
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Online demo videos are a powerful but underutilized tool in video surveillance. This report helps to:

  • Showcase some of the best online demo videos I have found
  • Encourage manufacturers to produce more online demo videos
Top Demo Videos in Video Surveillance
The demo video that impresses me the most is Avigilon's 5MP demo of a foodcourt [link no longer available]. It brings the value of megapixel to life.
Another quality demo/video tutorial is IQinVision's 20 minute webcast [link no longer available] covering the fundamentals of megapixel cameras as well as overviewing IQinVision's own line.
Bosch has the most online video surveillance videos. However, the videos are mostly lower level technical demos. Adding overview and introductory videos would help more people understand their products.
On the VMS side, Digiop offers a very nice introduction of their hybrid DVRs [link no longer available] and the advantages from their partnership with Dell.
ACTi offers a 10 part video series covering a basic introduction to IP video surveillance and their product line. It provides clear explantions from an English speaking narrator that should be especially useful for security integrators transitioning to IP.
Manufacturers Mistaken to Not Post Videos
Online videos are an inexpensive, powerful way to reach more people. In the last 6 months, over 1000 people just from my site viewed the Avigilon demo [link no longer available]. Unlike trade shows, Avigilon does not pay me. I link to it because I find it to be useful content.
Think about it from the end user/integrator side. We want to learn more about new products but it's expensive and time consuming. With so many video surveillance companies, doing so is almost impossible. Either you:
  • Don't learn about new product updates
  • Go to trade shows and get a 5 minute demo from an often unknowledgeble person
Online videos are a perfect way to make it easy for more people to be exposed to new products.
What I Am Doing to Help
On March 23rd, I am going to run a special report aggregating and featuring demo videos. For those going to ISC West, this will help you make better use of your time at the show. For those not going, this will serve as a free virtual 'show' where people can learn from the comfort of their home.
Send me an email ( or leave a comment below if you have questions or suggestions on demo videos. You do not need to create a masterpiece. You can simply make a basic video and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo. Thousands of people will view that special report and it's free marketing that benefits everyone in the community.
More Videos That I Like
Here are 3 videos posted on YouTube that provide additional examples of good video surveillance demos:
ioimage [link no longer available] has a 4 minute video that does a good job of fairly portraying the issues involved with setting up perimeter violation.
Key to the value of IQinVision's Sentintel series [link no longer available] is the ease of installation for outdoor megapixel cameras. In the short video below, they do an excellent job of demonstrating that while providing substantive detail for the technical viewer.
Finally, the clip below is from [link no longer available], a managed video provider that uses Axis cameras. In the clip, they do a very nice job showcasing advanced features and configurations of Axis cameras - which simultaneously educates and advocates the use of Axis cameras.
Axis offers its own demo videos for many of its new product releases. While they are beautifully done, they tend to be more advertisements than demos for an industry audience (for example, the M1031 video). On the other hand, I did find the recent video on the M3011 to be quite informative.