ObjectVideo Responds to Sony's Counterclaim

Published Jun 22, 2011 00:00 AM
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In May 2011, Sony filed a counterclaim against ObjectVideo's April 2011 patent infringement allegations. In the counterclaim, Sony made a number of specific assertions about prior art and a basis for invalidating ObjectVideo's patents.

Now, in June 2011, ObjectVideo has filed its response to Sony's counterclaims. In this note, we review ObjectVideo's response.

Looking at the ObjectVideo court filing, we note:

  • "ObjectVideo expressly denies any alleged non-infringement or invalidity of the patents-in-suit."
  • "Sony Electronic's Amended Counterclaim for Declaratory Judgment of non-infringement and invalidity fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted."
  • ObjectVideo does not offer any specific rationale or critique of Sony's allegations.

Beyond the unsurprising fact that ObjectVideo contest Sony's counterclaims and will continue the lawsuit, this response does not reveal any novel information. 

Recently, Bosch also filed a counterclaim to ObjectVideo's lawsuit.