Johnson Controls Unsubstantiated Claims of Massive Growth

Published Oct 01, 2009 00:00 AM
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Johnson Controls makes unsubstantiated claims to massive growth for its security integration business. They claim that their market share has increased from 2% to 5% in the last year - which implies that their revenue increased 250% (assuming the market as a whole was essentially flat). On a dollar basis, given their assumptions, it implies that their revenue in security integration increased from $500 Million USD in 2008 to $1.2 Billion USD in 2009.

SSN confirmed in the comments that these are JCI's own internal numbers that have no independent backing.

JCI claimed that their focus on 'customer business objectives' that resulted in their success. The article then devolves into JCI promoting its green building initiatives.

These claims have little basis in reality, especially given the depressed integration market and the practical difficulty of increasing a security integration business by $700 M USD in a single year (staffing, project management, sales expansion, etc).

Underneath this bizarre claim is a real issue: how is the security integration industry changing? Unfortunately, focusing on business objectives and green initiatives is more about platitudes than increasing customer or competitive value in the security marketplace.