ISC West 2013 Mega Event Finished

Published Mar 19, 2013 00:00 AM
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We did our biggest event ever at ISC West 2013 on Thursday April 11th.

You'll get intelligent conversation, networking and a chance to meet the IPVM team free from manufacturer sponsorships and pitches.

This event is ONLY open to IPVM PRO Members.

Here's our plan:

9 am - End User Only Meetup - The IPVM team will help end users to find the right products for their needs.

10 am - Panoramic Shootout Results Revealed - With a live system, we will show and explain who did the best and worst among Axis, Panasonic, Mobotix, Vivotek, Immervision, Sentry360 and more.

11:30 am - The Manufacturer Marketing / PR / Sales Meetup - A peace offering, we will host lunch, mingle and discuss ways to help manufacturers responsibly get the word out on their products.

1 pm - Trends in Access Control - Our first ever access control event will look at what's new and discuss how IPVM can improve access control information.

3:30 pm - The Death of VMS Servers Has Begun? - A debate on the futue of VMS systems as intelligent cameras, NASes and cloud services rise.

4:30 to 6pm - The Tech Meetup - Open to all engineers, product managers and IPVMU certified professionals, we will have drinks, discuss industry trends and what's new.

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