Is Momentum Shifting Away from IT?

Published Dec 17, 2009 00:00 AM
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Canada's SP&T News examines weakening momentum for IT providers [link no longer available] in the physical security market. Referencing the November 2009 Securing New Ground Conference, she observes a number of signals and statements that indicate weakening momentum of 'big' IT.

  • They note that IBM and Cisco keynoted prior years events but have not returned since.
  • Anixter suggested that "IT integrators don’t have the ability to service the security industry in the same way they do"
  • They mention Jeff Kessler [link no longer available] "actually thinks IT integrators and distributors won’t gain ground as easily as some might fear."
  • IT underestimates small physical security budgets
  • IT does not want to get its hands dirty with installs
  • IT may find the pace of change to slow
One other factor I would add from speaking with multiple premier IT manufacturers is that they tend to view the physical security market as too small to matter in the greater schemes of their multi billion dollar organizations - a market the size of a 'rounding error' as one executive told me.
While I doubt the role of IT is actually reducing in security, the hype is likely subsiding into a reality of greater IT involvement but not domination.