Integrators Examine Impacts of Convergence

Published Aug 09, 2010 00:00 AM
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An August 2010 Security Sales roundtable discussion with US integrators [link no longer available] examines two of the most important trends impacting the industry: (1) product margin decreases and (2) shifting employee training needs.

  • All 4 Integrator CEOS agreed that product margin decreases are continuing and show no signs of abatement. A few choice comments include: "Those product margins are not going to be coming back", "We’re seeing the commoditization of our products", "Declining margins and tougher competition in the integration market" and "The margin squeeze, at this point, we’re just accepting it as a fact."
  • With newer and younger employees being stronger in IT, the need for training and development on the craft aspect of security is increasing. A few choice comments include: " It’s the craftsman; the person who can actually go in and hang a reader or camera. It’s amazing how many people out there can’t", "Younger guys we’re bringing on have the IT knowledge, but they don’t have as much of the craftsmanship,", "You can’t find people with both [IT] and the trade skills."