How Evolv's Marketing Slogans Deceived The Public Across 5 Years

Published May 17, 2024 13:15 PM
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Watch how Evolv has deceived the public over the past five years, as its own home page marketing slogans have shown:

They have gradually become less deceptive as the company's flaws have been exposed, and now the US FTC and SEC are investigating them.

Timetable Of Slogans

  • In 2019, Evolv blared: "End the active shooter and terrorist threat."
  • Then in 2020, Evolv declared "Stop the active shooter, don't stop visitors."
  • In 2021, Evolv assured "Incredibly Fast, Fully Touchless Security Screening."
  • Even in 2022, Evolv claimed to deliver "Weapon's Free Zones."
  • Later, in 2022, Evolv softened to "Safe Zones."
  • Then changing in 2023 to the more conservative "Safer Zones" - around the same time, federal investigations were launched.
  • Now, in 2024, Evolv only promotes "Creating Safer Experiences"

Risks And Problems Of This

While recently, Evolv's Co-Founder apologized for Evolv's CEO's statements, these home page marketing slogans over many years show that Evolv's deception was systematic.

For years, the public, including prospects, partners, and investors, went to Evolv's website and saw these deceptive slogans, which promised far more than Evolv could deliver. This allowed Evolv to garner far more interest, meetings, and enthusiasm than it would have if it had marketed fairly, as it is at least trying to do today.

Archived Links

Below are archived links to each version of the Evolv homepage cited in this report:

2019 Archived Evolv Home Page:

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2020 Archived Evolv Homepage:

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2021 Archived Evolv Hompage:

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2022 Archived Evolv Hompage:

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2022 Later Archived Evolv Homepage:

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2023 Archived Evolv Homepage:

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2024 Archived Evolv Homepage:

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IPVM Evolv Reporting

To learn more about Evolv, see various IPVM Evolv reports, including:

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