Computar Expands HD Megapixel Lens Offerings

Published Sep 08, 2009 00:00 AM
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Computar has significantly expanded its HD/Megapixel Lenses though this release primarily rectifies shortcomings and may still be lacking in a few key elements.

The new lenses offer 3MP resolution, support for 1080p cameras, 3-8mm varifocal adjustment, 180 degree focus ring (for better fine-tuning) and both manual and auto-iris versions. Note: no rating of resolution in terms of lp/mm was provided.

A colleague at a megapixel camera company found these new features to be useful and important to eliminating shortcomings in Computar's previous generation's megapixel lens.

At the same time, he noted that the limited varifocal lens could be a challenge for many applications. By contrast, he noted that other megapixel lens manufacturers have both wider angle and more telephoto options (e.g., 2.2-6mm, 15-50mm, 8-80mm ). See page 3 of Fujinon's lens brochure for examples of these alternatives.