Camera Standards Endorsement and Support Grow

Published Oct 09, 2010 00:00 AM
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In this update, we examine the growing and nearly ubiqutious level of camera standards support developing in the industry. We look specifically at the positioning and announcements made at the Security Essen show.

We estimate 75% or more of IP camera and VMS providers exihibting at Essen announced production or imminent support for one of the two IP camera standard groups (e.g., PSIA or ONVIF). While some supported both an a few supported just PSIA, the most widespread option was ONVIF support only. This was reflected by statements from both European and Asian manufacturers.

It was difficult to find more than one or two out of the dozens of vendors we spoke to who had not committed to releasing standard support in the short term. On the other hand, a few manufacturers noted concerns about interoperability and level of integration achievable currently.

While we do see isues to be worked through, the level of near universal support by manufacturers to implement 'standards' is a positive sign for the future adoption/production use of standards.

One interesting but not surprising theme is that smaller or newer manufacturers were using standards support as a way to jump start their entrance into the market. We think this is a very smart strategy as it lifts a significant barrier that would have stopped most from even considering their products.

At Essen, there were 5 - 10 providers demonstrating HDcctv products. A handful were released while quite a number were prototypes. We found significantly more cameras displayed than recorders. Of the recorders displayed, none of them supported more than 8 channels and they only supported HDcctv inputs only (no IP, no analog SD).