Asian Video Surveillance Market Forecast

Published Jan 28, 2010 00:00 AM
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Frost & Sullivan has released projections and sizing for the Asia Pacific Video Surveillance market. In 2008, Frost estimates total market revenue of $1.21 Billion USD. By 2015, Frost estimates total market revenue to rise to $5.52 Billion USD. This implies an extremely high CAGR of 24.2%. Given the long time frame of this projection and the global economic risks that remain, we think this projection is risky. On the other hand, many are looking for a big growth projection to justify their plans. This is it.

By contrast, In-Stat reports that the 2007 video surveillance market for China [link no longer available] was $4.1 Billion USD in 2007 (a seemingly impossible claim).

Also, review a list of top 25 large Asian security manufacturers [link no longer available].