Retail Sales of Video Surveillance to Consumers

Published Feb 21, 2010 00:00 AM
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A February 2010 survey report provides a number of datapoints and trends for the retail sales of video surveillance to consumers (Read the Investor's Business Daily original article [link no longer available]).

A manufacturer claims that in 2009, "security systems at retail generated $280 million in sales worldwide." This manufacturer, Swann, claims that they individually sold $40 Million in 2009. [Note: Swann sells primarily legacy analog equipment - see their product catalog [link no longer available]]

Electronics giant, Best Buy, is quoted in the report as conducting pilots to sell video surveillance equipment inside their physical stores (Best Buy already sells video surveillance on-line).

An analyst states that two of the biggest uses of video surveillance in the home are outside of security: (a) see who is at the front door and (b) watching children.

We think that sales at electronic and physical retailers will be gain a significant boost from systems that do not require any knowledge of networking such as the plug n play systems that eliminate the need for port forwarding, DDNS and IP address assignment. Most of the managed/hosted offerings provide this and a number of them are already sold on-line.