ADT CEO: My Daughters Better At Installs Than Most 20 Year Techs

Published Feb 27, 2017 15:33 PM
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Times have changed.

At the Barnes Buchanan conference, ADT's CEO Tim Whall made an interesting and, surely to some, controversial observation. Here he is explaining it:

In the past, Whall argues, residential installs required significant technical skills ('an artist'), making personality less important. Now, with technological advances, installation has become less technical, and the differentiation is in providing a superior 'customer experience' with far better emotional intelligence.

Residential Wireless Installs vs Service and Commercial

Whall clarified to us afterward that these remarks were intended for residential wireless installs only and that for commercial and service, technical skills are still key and, for service, becoming more important as systems become more complex and problems become harder to diagnose over a network.

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