Subscriber Discussion

Would You Run Aerial CAT5 For IP Cameras?

Jay Hobdy
Dec 22, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Normally we would just use Ubiquiti radios but the site is an apartment community, with no house power on the bldgs. Dropping meters in, is going to be cost prohibitive. Trenching will be a nightmare, due to trees, sidewalks etc. Plus there are roads and sidewalks to cross.


To me, aerial cable seems cheap and cheesy but half the country has communications cable running on poles.


Is there anything really wrong with running CAT5 aerial if using a support wire, proper eye bolts at each end, outdoor rated cable, etc?


Undisclosed Integrator #1
Dec 22, 2018

As long as you are within the distance limitations for Cat6 cable, which is the data cable standard, you are good to go - nothing cheezy about if is it's properly secured and suspended!

Jeff Gack
Dec 22, 2018
IPVMU Certified

I've done it for a few similar applications and have had no problems.

Just want to make sure it's high enough if in an area where any big trucks ever come through.

David Fogle, CSEIP
Dec 22, 2018

Distance as others have said is your enemy on this design. If you can keep the whole show within the limitations of CAT5/CAT6 then go for it, but use a guide wire to support the CAT5/CAT6.

OR you could go solar/Wifi or a hybrid of the two.

Place a solar support strategic point that will capture hardwire runs within its reach.

Just makes sure you do your power calcs and you should be fine.

It will not be cheap, but it will not get anywhere near placing power meters everywhere and that is a good thing.

Jay Hobdy
Dec 22, 2018
IPVMU Certified

I am aware of the distance. One thought was to drop a couple meters in, and expand 300'-600' each way of the meter, with a radio at each end. Anything over 300' we would have used POE extenders.


Last time we had meters installed it was about 3k per meter. I do not think you can do solar for that? Plus all the maintenance, possible vandalism to the panels etc. And most apartment communities are covered in trees, including this one.


A couple emails back and forth with the client talking about it, and the project seems to be dead.


But good to know aerial is acceptable if done right. And we have seen plenty that are not right. Using tree branches to support the wire does not seem right...

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Dec 22, 2018

Nothing wrong with it but you have to be very diligent about lighting protection and hanging with the proper eye bolts like any last mile phone drop.

Working on a parking lot camera project now and was just trying to decide which of the Ubiquiti radios to use. what do you generally use?

Jay Hobdy
Dec 22, 2018
IPVMU Certified

NanoBeam AC GEN2 is our go to product. NBE-5AC-GEN2


Price is right, works in almost every application, plenty of bandwidth for our needs, etc. So we standardized on those, and keep them in stock. Of course certain applications require something different, but if you have a decent line of sight, that should work.



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