Subscriber Discussion

What Happens When Surveillance Cameras Can Connect With Your Smartphone?

Undisclosed #1
Jul 07, 2018
Undisclosed #2
Jul 07, 2018

My wife still thinks it's creepy that her own phone knows where she is, so I think the public will generally be uncomfortable with this.

Also, I'm curious how they "blur" the behavior tracking/matching data. I suppose they could hash the data out so that you're either a match or not, but either that would make it difficult to match someone due to slight differences in the new data vs the record, or they'd account for that by having lower "resolution" of the data points collected, resulting in a higher number of successful matches but also false positives.

Undisclosed #3
Jul 07, 2018
IPVMU Certified

You’re about to cross a downtown street and your smartphone beeps to tell you that a text message has arrived.  As you pull out your phone to check the message as you walk, the phone receives an alert from your local police — you’re about to step into the path of a rapidly approaching SUV!

or more likely

As you pull out your phone to check the message, you slow your pace, causing you to step into the path of a rapidly approaching SUV!

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