Subscriber Discussion

VMS For Multiple Servers/Multiple Locations/Managed Centrally

Jay Hobdy
Dec 20, 2017
IPVMU Certified

New client has multiple sites and will require 1-3 servers per site. They have multiple sites. They want to manage the servers centrally. Most of the configurations will be modifying user permissions. Staff change locations and they want to be able to easily modify which servers/cameras/location they have access to.


I looked at Milestone Expert but it is a pretty big step up from what they have cost wise. It seems like they are paying for a lot of features they will not use.


Any other more cost-effective suggestions?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Dec 20, 2017

what kind of cameras or infrastructure is in place.

What servers will be placed at each location

How many cameras per site

Is the vms just for user management or any other specific requirements 

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Dec 20, 2017

Milestone Professional+? Much lower cost and still most features.

Jay Hobdy
Dec 21, 2017
IPVMU Certified

You are right. I skipped over professional+ which is more cost-effective, and Milestone is offering some other discounts based on some other factors.

For now, we are going to lead with Milestone.

John Bazyk
Dec 20, 2017
Command Corporation • IPVMU Certified

Take a look at Network Optix, sold by Digital Watchdog as Spectrum and now Hanwha as Wave. Wave is going to be awesome, just got my beta software from them today. Full integration with all of these DVRs and NVRs and analytics. We use Spectrum a lot, often on sites where we have multiple servers. Spectrum makes it really easy to merge the severs into a single system and manage users. We do a lot of remote managment for our clients including add/delete users and remote video investigations. 

Brien TerBush
Dec 21, 2017

Senstar Symphony (formerly Aimetis) can be managed centrally through our Enterprise Manager. This provides the ability to manage policy (camera settings, user profiles, security settings, etc) across all your sites. Enterprise Manager also provides a dashboard and alarm reporting for failed cameras, servers, hard drives, CPU and memory thresholds. For more information see our website

Hans Kahler
Dec 21, 2017
Eagle Eye Networks

Full Disclosure - I work at Eagle Eye Networks

Without knowing the details, I can't say for sure, but at a high level it sounds like a cloud system might be a good fit.  

Kahn Ely
Dec 21, 2017

Luxriot Evo Global VMS is designed around deploying servers per site across multiple sites while managing them all from a central server.

The company I work for is a distributor in Australia and I am the tech support for this product.

Tomasz Kalinski
Dec 21, 2017

We have it :,105,en.html

and it is only MSRP 100 $ per channel.

CMS HUB and CMS Professioanl are for free.

Jerry Larsen
Dec 21, 2017

Full Disclosure:  I am with Pivotal Vision, a manufacturer of Enterprise Wide Intelligent Remote Surveillance systems. Each site operates autonomously with the intelligence located at each remote site conducting continuous surroundings analysis and only reports back centrally by exception. It differentiates between people, vehicles and animals by GPS zone on each site.

The cost of securing remote site includes the equipment, labor to centrally watch cameras 24/7 and repairs from  missed intrusions because they are impossible to watch all the time using  Legacy system security practices.  

Our intelligent system is designed to be a preventive tool that analyzes 24/7 365 days per year greatly increasing the probability of deterring intrusions and providing a higher chance of  stopping events with little labor. 

If you would like more information go to

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