Subscriber Discussion

Using Hughes Net To Create A Wireless Network

Austin Leaming
Oct 21, 2018
ACSC • IPVMU Certified

I've got a client that I'm doing an installation for where they want 7 license plate cameras mounted on poles at entry gates. I've already figured how I'm going to get power to the cameras but I'm not sure how I can get data to a NVR. I'd like to avoid using SD cards in the cameras just because the cameras will be mounted on poles a couple feet up. I've heard of Hughes Net and their satellite connections and wasn't sure if that could somehow be utilized to create a network. I'd like to avoid trenching wire as the wire pulls would be a couple miles long. 

Undisclosed #1
Oct 21, 2018
IPVMU Certified

IMHO, the methods of connecting outdoor cameras to an nvr are (in order of preference): 

1) Cable - copper or optical

2) Wifi - ptmp

3) 3g/4g mobile

4) Satellite dish 

Have you ruled out 2+3?

Michael Miller
Oct 21, 2018

Are you doing ALPR or LPC?  Some ALPR systems have all the processing at the edge which minimizes the data transfered to the NVR.    What system are you planning on deploying?   If you have to steam the video from all cameras back to your NVR 1 or 2 are you only real options.

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