Subscriber Discussion

UPS / Battery Backup For Remote Cameras?

Shaun Rossiter
Jun 08, 2018

My customer is looking to add 2 cameras to a remote area using point to point wireless to the main building. There has been some recent vandalism where the vandals cut the lock to the the breaker and shut off power / lights to this area.  I need a solution to get battery backup to these cameras through an environmentally rated pole mounted enclosure so that the cameras will continue to run when the power is cut off.  I would like have backup power for the POE switch so the P2P could continue working but I'm willing to settle for the cameras and just record at the edge via SD cards.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Ryan McGovern
Jun 09, 2018

Hi Shaun,

On light poles that have power come on at night only we use a battery charger to charge the battery while the lights are on, during the day the cams and PTP work from the battery. This works like a UPS. Your battery size will determine run time when the power is off. We run 15 & 40 amp lithium batteries depending on the time required.

Rod Warren
Jun 09, 2018

BTU Research

This will more the likely meet your needs as it is hardened, & online and powers the buddy PoE switch. I tested 2 PoE cams and got more than 6 hrs of backup.  

Good luck

Oscar Gamez
Jun 09, 2018

You can find your solutions here;

Streakwave reseller of Tycon Systems

Jamie Pugh
Jul 28, 2018

Another option would be to go with cameras that support 12 VDC power. That way you could use a more common power supply (e.g. Altronix) and back it up with a couple of 7 A/H batteries. If you want to get fancy you could even use a supervised power supply and tie the AC fail and low battery outputs to camera alarm inputs to get advance indications of those events.

There are also some hardened switches that can be powered by 12VDC. We used one by Etherwan and it's been up and running outdoors for almost 4 years now. We get temps anywhere from -30 F to 90.

Anton Miller
Jul 28, 2018
Shaked Projects

It all pretty much depends on how long the equipment must work after the power was shut off. Couple cams + ir = 20-30 w


POE could take up to 3-5 w

35 w/h = 3 a/h at 12 v

Simple home-grade UPS will power it for almost two hours 

Jamie Pugh
Jul 28, 2018

We use home grade UPS units for home networks and home automation systems and they would not cut it in a remote camera application. They won't survive in an unregulated environment (temperature extremes or humidity swings) and to the best of my knowledge they don't restart automatically if the power does not restore before the battery is depleted. All of the basic units we've seen you have to press and hold the power button to restart the UPS after the low battery disconnect kicks in. A good quality regulated power supply from an access or burglar alarm system will make more efficient use of the batteries, allow connection and charging of more batteries and will auto resume once the power comes back on.

Anton Miller
Jul 28, 2018
Shaked Projects

I never intended  to claim that a home-grade UPS is up for a job in a remote location, merely gave a time estimation.


Michael Miller
Jul 28, 2018

Either build your own solution with DIN-Rail mount gear or go with something like this Altronix unit with integrated POE switch and UPS.


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