This is a highly atypical case we first covered last year: Aventura Sues End User Plus Alleges FBI Owes Them $361,000.

Now, the end user has moved, in a 15-page motion, to stay the case until the criminal case is done, excerpt:

* **** ** *********** ******* ********** of *** ******* ******** ****** ** justified ** ******* *********** *******. *****, the ******** ****** **** ** *******-************* here. ** * ******* ******, ********** of *** ******** ****** **** ********* the ***** ** *******’* *********** ******** and *************. *** ** * ********* matter, ** *** **** ******** ****** guilty ** ** ********* ** *****, it **** ****** ********* ** ******** to ******* *** ******** ** *** havein *** ****** **** *** ** dispute

**'* **** ****** * ***** ************* ********** **** ********, **** **** ******* ****** *** no ********** *** *** ********'* ** / *******.