Subscriber Discussion

Southwest Microwave Plugin For Milestone

Undisclosed End User #1
Jan 08, 2018

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with integrating the Southwest Microwave Intrepid II system with Milestone. We are currently experiencing an issue that I was hoping someone may be able to help us troubleshoot. The issue in a nutshell is that once the plugin (SMI Intrepid II plugin) is installed, the Milestone event server service stops and starts randomly. Any help would be appreciated.  

Chad Huggins
Jan 17, 2018
IPVMU Certified

We are having the same issue. Looking for a solution as well. Cant get southwest microwave to work.

Chad Huggins
Jan 17, 2018
IPVMU Certified

we checked the SQL server (event server running) and it was running on 2008 and we upgraded it to 2016 to resolve the issue. I will post something if it works.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Apr 01, 2019

Did it work?

Josh Hendricks
Apr 01, 2019
Milestone Systems

I worked on an issue with the SMI plugin shortly after OP made this thread. I'm not sure if it was the same customer/issue, and forgive me because I'm not really familiar with the Southwest Microwave architecture myself so I might use the wrong terminology. The issue was that there was an RPM module defined which was not recognized by the plugin, causing the plugin and Event Server to crash. Removing the RPM module from the configuration in theory solves the issue but also upgrading from version of the plugin to version should address that bug.


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