Subscriber Discussion

Can Anyone Recommend Software For Creating Wiring Diagrams?

Scott Sheldrake
Mar 31, 2018

Can anyone recommend a good software tool for creating wiring diagrams?  Ideally something easy to use, where you can drag and drop components and then connect and label inputs and outputs.  Prefer something web-based or multiplatforms (ie Mac, PC, not just Windows only).



Michael Miller
Mar 31, 2018

Not sure what you are using for quoting but D-TOOLS does this with Visio or CAD.  Right now D-Tools uses a thick client but they will be releasing a web version later this year.

Daniel S-T
Apr 01, 2018

I've used Visio in the past. It was always pretty simple to use. I could make my own stencils, or even just copy in the wiring diagrams from manufacturers datasheets or installation manuals and just make modifications based on how I actually wired it. Nothing super fancy, but it got the information across for anyone else who needed to figure out how something was wired, or how this special output was triggered.

Scott Napier
Apr 01, 2018

Visio has always been my preference as well, and with the Office 365 version you are fairly platform agnostic.  I have never looked at D-Tools though, that will be on my "things to check out" list for this week! 

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