Subscriber Discussion

Security Flaws Put Billions Of Bluetooth Phones, Devices At Risk

Craig Mc Cluskey
Sep 14, 2017

Published yesterday on ZDNet is a discussion of Bluetooth vulnerabilities.

Security flaws put billions of Bluetooth phones, devices at risk

It's thought to be the most widescale set of vulnerabilities based on the number of devices affected, hitting Windows desktops, Android devices, older iPhones and iPads, and smart devices.

Any ideas how this might complicate things and how we work around them?

Or do we hang tight and wait for the computer security people to fix things?

Brian Rhodes
Sep 14, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Does turning off Bluetooth essentially airgap the phone?

I also assume every Bluetoon device is vulnerable, not just phones but also things like door locks, sensors, and switches.  Can anyone confirm that?

Undisclosed #1
Sep 14, 2017
IPVMU Certified

I also assume every Bluetoon device is vulnerable...

Keeping in the punning spirit of "Heartbleed" and "Shellshock", I think the comical "BlueToon" is a far catchier name for this vulnerability than the prosaic "BlueBorne" :)

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