Subscriber Discussion

Anyone Have Input On Schlage AD400 Wireless Locks?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Mar 07, 2019


I have a customer inquiring about the Schalge AD400 series wireless locks.  They are using Lenel 7.3 as the head end.


Any input, good or bad, will be much appreciated.  Looking for info on how they hold up against Aperio and WiQ.  Range and battery life issues, or any other info possible.  Possibly rolling out more than 50 locks in one building.




Undisclosed Integrator #2
Mar 08, 2019

Worked with these for 8 years now. For the most part, they are solid and reliable. As with any electronics, moisture from condensation can do some damage to soldered components and rust/corrosion on battery holder. Make sure to seal air passages from interior to exterior of door within the hardware.

Range is ok if in straight line down a hall or open area, can go through a block wall. Will need some DB Gain remote Omni or directional antennas if going around corners over 60 ft or long straight line distances. Use test kit to determine. Had to use Schlage RB relay boards(dry outputs) in PIMS to make Brivo compatible.

Actually like AD 400 better than some later models. Now have improved spring cages and battery holders. Only a few have had components go bad due to something other than moisture. Good troubleshooting guide. Expensive though.

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