Subscriber Discussion

"Russia Seeds New Surveillance Supply Chain": NYT Investigation

Charles Rollet
Jul 03, 2023

The New York Times' front-page story is about new Russian surveillance tools being used to crack down on dissent in Russia, and how these are increasingly sold globally.

Note, this does not cover video surveillance, but rather tools used to monitor encrypted messaging apps like Signal and people's cellphone locations:

** ****** ** *************** **** ****, Russia’s **** ******* ***** ****** ** new ***** ** ***** ** ***** on ******* *****: ***** ****** *** own ******* *** ******* *** ***.

** *** ** ******** *********, ******* authorities *** ******* ** ******* ** technologies ** ***** *** ****** ***** of ********. ***** ** ******* *******, its ****** **** *** **** ************ tools. **** ****** ***** * ******* industry ** **** ***********, ***** ***** products **** **** ****** * ******** *** ***** — ***** ** digital ************.

*** ************ **** ***** *** ****** and ******’* ******* ******** *******, ****** known ** *** *.*.*., ****** ** a ****** ** ******** ************ ******* on *** ***-**-*** *** ** ****** and ********. *** ***** ***** **** to ***** ******* ***** ** ******** onencrypted **** **** ******** *** ******, ******* *** ********* ** ******, ******** ********* ****** ***** ***** and break into people’s accounts [emphasis added]

***** **** ** *** ***** ******** by *** *** *** ******** **** encrypted ******** **** ******** ** ******, they *** ******** **** ******** **** as ******* ******* **** * ****** call ** **** ***** ** *** app:

*** ******* ******** ** *** *********can ******** **** ****** **** ***** ***** ** **** ***** ** ********* **** **** **** ** ********, ****** *** ********. The software cannot ********* ******** ********, but can determine whether someone is using multiple phones, map their relationship network by tracking communications with others, and triangulate what phones have been in certain locations on a given day. Another product can collect passwords entered on unencrypted websites. [emphasis added]

***** ********* **** ******* ****** ** Iran *** *******-******** ***** ** *******, plus ******, ***** *******, *** ****, per *** ***.*** ****, *******: ******** **** ** *******, ****** Seeds * ************ ****** *****.

**********, ****** ***** ************, ******* **** recognition ***** ********** ******* ****** ****** ****-*** *************** *** ******* ********** ******** ** ******** *** *** ************ cameras.

********? ***** ****** ********** ******* **** China ** ************ ****?

Heather McMahon
Jul 03, 2023

**** ** * **** *********** ******** to ********. *** ****** ***** **** to ******* *** ******* **** ********* drive ********** ****** **** ****** ****, and *** ******* ******* *** ********* of ***** *** ****** ***.

*********, ** ***** *** ******* ********** has ******* ****** ****** ***** ***** at *** **** **** ******** *** conditions **** ********** * *** ** talented ******* ******* ** *****. ****** needs ***** **** **** **** *** other *** ******, ***** ************ ** will *** ****** *** ****** *** Russia ** ******** ****** ****** *** lots ** ****** *** ******* ******** incentives *** ******** ** *****.

*********, *** ******* ********** *** *** Russia ** **** ** * ******* ground *** *** *** *** *********** of ***** ***** ** **** ** a ****** *** ******* **********. ** any ******* ********* *** ****** ********** success, *** ******* **** ******** ****-**** reads **** *** ******* ********** **** either ******** **** *******, ******* **** Russian ******, ***** *** ** ******* cyber ** ***** *****, ** ***** that ******* *** ** *** ****** through ********* ******** *****.

**, ** *** *****-**** ********* **** drive **** ******* **********, *** ***- and ****-****, *** ********** ** ***. They **** ** ******** *** ********** to ******* *****.

*'* ********** ** ***** ********.

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