Subscriber Discussion

Looking For Vandalproof IR PTZ?

Jul 19, 2018

Hi there,

Our customer is looking for a PTZ IR dome, with an vandalproof dome with shading.

In my mind, this product doesn't exist, because the IR reflect in the dome.

If one of yours have any idea to found a solution, i'll be glad to know it.



Carlo Kuijer
Jul 19, 2018


When asking for vandal-proofing, IK 10 or even higher specification, like EX spec.

There are a lot of manufacturers that will offer you IK10 Spec, only a few with EX for an IR PTZ DOME, mostly they use alternative EX PTZ UNITS.

Shading (tinted dome) is not an issue anymore, most of the good PTZ dome have no internal IR anymore, so no reflection issues at all. 


Sean Patton
Jul 19, 2018


I agree that the options for a PTZ IR Vandalproof Domes are limited/non-existent.

Are you looking for specifically a Traditional PTZ Vandal Proof Dome design for example:

Many manufacturers offer PTZ IR Vandalproof cameras now, but they aren't a traditional dome body. They have a separate Camera/IR housing that Tilts independently from the "Pan Housing", and there are gaps between between the 2:

Anton Miller
Jul 20, 2018
Shaked Projects

From my experience with vandal-proof domes - they aren't really vandal-proof if the vandals are even slightly determined, and those with leds are worse.

Next time I need something sturdy I'll probably go with explosion-proof PTZ. Good luck breaking stainless-steel housing with your lousy breeze-blocks.

Here, an IR dome explosion-proof PTZ, albeit id does not seem to be smoked... XD

Buy Korea - Explosion Proof Infrared PTZ Dome Camera

On a serious note, in your case I'd select any appropriate camera and simply add IR lights directed toward points of interest.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 25, 2018

A few thoughts. Depends what they are expecting the camera to look like. A decent option would be the Bosch MIC550 or the RedVision X-series.

If a more conventional dome design is required (perhaps for internal use) the DS-2DE4A225IW-DE is a cracking camera - small and with integral 50m IR and extremely robust (IP66 and metal housing) - although not IK10.

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