Subscriber Discussion

Point Of Sale Overlay Data For NVR From Focus And From Brinks POS Systems

Matt Barber
Feb 15, 2018

Hello all,

I have a customer who has been trying to get data to flow from a Focus POS system for a restaurant chain and is really struggling.   Attempts to get IP based connectivity from the back of house system have failed.   Focus does not seem able or willing to assist.   His next round is to see if he can get RS232 journal printing to pass up to the recorder.   This feels super old school to me :)      Just curious if anyone has experience with this platform getting Video overlay on an NVR to work.   They are currently using NUUO PC based recorders.


He has an additional opportunity with many sites that use a Brinks POS system.  Just asking if anyone has successfully integrated POS to video/data overlay with this platform as well.


Thanks for any helpful feedback,


Matt Barber


Josh Hendricks
Feb 15, 2018
Milestone Systems

Speaking from my own perspective and not Milestone's, point of sales integration is a pain. The market is so fragmented, product/feature documentation is extremely difficult if not impossible to find, and some of the POS vendors I've tried to reach out to regarding integration capability have been very unresponsive.

It's not necessarily a secure method, but the easiest to integrate method is when you can point the POS software at a specific IP and port, and it just connects to that address and sends receipt data through roughly the same way it is printed on the receipt. Alternatively if the POS software can be programmed to listen for incoming connections on a designated port, then an external application can connect in, and once the connection is established, the data is pushed out to the client. This seems a bit less common than having the POS make outbound connections.

Unfortunately a lot of POS software does not do this, and the "classic" integration method is to insert a pass-through TCP Serial Server device between the POS and the RS232 printer. The serial server just lets the bits pass through, but an external application can connect to the IP of the serial server and the data is sniffed off of the serial bus.

Going the serial route sounds like a ridiculous step backward, but when it works, it's typically rock solid in my experience. And serial printers are still oddly common in retail for some reason. But USB printers are more and more common now and it's a little bit more challenging to go this route with USB.

I'm not terribly familiar with the text inserter / transaction overlay appliances on offer or the best way to integrate it with NUUO, but I feel your pain.

Josh Hendricks
Feb 15, 2018
Milestone Systems

In case you or anyone else is looking for a POS vendor, I did a little work with WizBang Technologies and while I can't comment on how nice the POS software is to use since I don't have much experience actually using it, they do have IP integration capability and their support team was responsive.

Matt Barber
Feb 15, 2018

Thanks for your feedback and experience.   I tend to find that what is really needed in a situation like this is a technical person who had to figure it out at some point and has answers.   These folks seem to be rare, or hard to find.   

Hence I figured I would ask here where some fellow nerds hang out :)

We have been successful with several POS platforms doing as you described.   Direct IP, or listening on a port.  We've also had success with serial connectivity.   It's the hard documentation on configuration, pinouts, and settings that tend to be the gotchas... then determining if the data you actually get doesn't show up as wingdings instead of usable data/text.   

I'm assuming the reason for such fragmentation is that so many POS platforms seem to be homebrewed, or have odd guts under the hood.  Aloha comes to mind with their Aloha Spy platform. 

We have also used a 3rd party app from a group called Gulfcoast software.  They act as a liaison between the POS data and the NVR platform.  They interpret the data and make it come through as usable.   Unfortunately, they don't have an integration with Focus, and are horribly slow or unresponsive to most calls for sales and technical assistance.... and cost is a minimum of around $400.


Michael Strong
Feb 15, 2018

IP integration to POS data streams has been a challenge for many years.

The work has to be done by the POS provider.  Back in the day, I worked with Aloha, Retail Expert, Squirrel Systems and with with an IBM VAR that wrote an app to run inside the system and output packets.

Old school, is to use a printer interface.  Box that interposes between the terminal and POS printer.  


Take a look at American Video Equipment


They have been doing this for years.


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