Subscriber Discussion

Milestone Unable To Locate [Any] Of The Cameras On The Network? Going To Try Arcus Next, But... ??

Truman HW
Dec 04, 2017

Hi, I apologize for how remedial this is going to sound - but, the cameras on my network aren't being found by Xprotect Essential+. 

1. I can open all cameras from IP addresses on my network via the computer I've installed a fresh OS on to run XProtect.

2. I entered the 3 passwords Hikvision, Samsung, etc., mandates the password sophistication satisfy. Again, all of which I'm able to enter from a browser and view the cameras from the same computer. 

3. I haven't turned off windows defender but I'm going to - although, I doubt this will make a difference. I have 5 cameras, all of which are on the same domain, subnet, as the computer the server is installed on. 

4. I'm going to install the Arcus server and locate/open all of them (except the Samsung Hanwha, as those I believe aren't ONVIF compliant?). 

Why is there no way to custom install cameras which aren't detected? This is the peculiar thing to me... why can't I just specify an IP address, username and password as well as the model/manufacture if it can't extract the info to configure the camera? Or is there a way to do this that I'm not thinking of? 

I'm sure this is a remedial question, but right now I have no way of accessing my surveillance except by using Back to my Mac, and viewing the IP interface for the cameras... which only works sporadically with [some] companies goodies. Such as (bizarrely), Uniview has an OS X web plugin, but doesn't have one for windows!? Though it prompts you to download the plugin? lol. Or maybe their navigation isn't intuitive on their website. 

Okay, thank you to all/any people who take the time to help. 



Undisclosed #1
Dec 04, 2017
IPVMU Certified

All your cameras are made by Milestone, correct?

Just kidding!

Anyway have you made sure they are all in the Milestone supported device list?

The manual says you should have these choices in the Add Hardware Wizard:

Truman HW
Dec 04, 2017

:) Oooh yeah. They're all Milestone branded. ;) Want a few? 


I'm looking for where/how I can add manually. WHERE would one find this!? It's almost impossible for me to think of a search that won't get ambiguous results. 

Can you take screenshots of the steps to get to the "add manually" section? Or if it's easier, just write out how to get there? Anything would help. I've searched, but I'm so unfamiliar with the user interface that it's white noise. 

I went to the cameras section of the server interface, where they should be already, but there's nothing to click on to specify what you'd be adding. I can't be the only one, either... because these are all major manufacture cameras;


I'm baffled that I'm the only one - or, more people didn't discuss it. :-/


Thank you for replying by the way. 

Undisclosed #1
Dec 04, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Can you get to this screen via the Wizards?

Then after choosing 1. Add Hardware Devices you should see something like:

then choose your poison :)



Alexander Bakke
Dec 04, 2017

Your screenshot is from the Professional VMS family, Essential + is part of the VMS products family (Expert/Corporate GUI).

Truman, navigate to "Recording servers", right click your recording server and choose "Add hardware".

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Dec 04, 2017

Samsung/Hanwha cameras are ONVIF compliant by design and listed in ONVIF format website.

However, we'll integrated VMS  will use the native SUNAPI protocol instead for better featureset.

You should be able to auto discover and add the cameras no problem. 

Truman HW
Dec 27, 2017

Any advice for a Bosch 7000?


Add it, fails:
- Add username/password
- Specify the manufactures in their entirety. 
- Upgrade the firmware
- Ensure I download the pack that is new enough to have the version of my camera.

Also, is the generic Bosch dewarping software for the system going to work for all fisheye cameras? 

Thanks! (PS, The Milestone rep was amazing.)

Alexander Bakke
Dec 27, 2017

Please check that the firmware you are running confirms to the tested firmware by Milestone with the device pack you are running:

There are some remarks there also about steps to take if you have problems adding the device.

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