Subscriber Discussion

Milesight At Night - How Can I Reduce IR Reflections?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 27, 2018

We are considering installing these 5MP Milesight motorized bullets above welded fence with externally cranked top. The pole is 0.5 m. inside the perimeter and we probably won't be able to extend camera mountings more that 0.5-0.6 m. outside, meaning that the cameras would be right above the sloped part of the fence. 

The questions being asked are what would be the minimal distance from the top of the fence to fully avoid receiving any reflection in full darkness? The objective is to detect human silhouette nearby the fence at distances of 20-70 meters in full dark.

I selected this particular model because it has high and low IR beams, which supposedly should reduce reflection, and will paint the top side of the fence matte black to reduce reflection and going to install couple pilot cams sometime next week, but still would like to hear any suggestions or opinions.

John Honovich
Jul 27, 2018

To clarify, are you concerned about reflection off the person (i.e., overexposure from the IR at close range) or reflection off the fence or other objects?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 27, 2018

Off the fence, and to lesser extent from the poles, which are 24 meters apart, while cameras are installed each two poles on the third. 


The person can glow like a Christmas tree for all we care, we only need provide verification for the fence sensors. 

Brian Rhodes
Jul 27, 2018
IPVMU Certified

What material is the fence?  Chain-link? Wrought-iron?

Even galvanized panels oxidize and corrode softly in UV and open air that reflection is not a big concern.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jul 27, 2018

Welded galvanized wire with cranked top, like on pic.



Steven Ballard
Jul 27, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Consider using a separate IR illuminator mounted lower on the fence with a more narrow beam.  Disable the IRs on the camera.  

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