Subscriber Discussion

Need A Lock For A Wooden Door With Window Next To Jam

Jay Hobdy
Jun 07, 2018
IPVMU Certified





We need to put some form of EAC on this door. The door is wooden, and we are trying to avoid a mag lock. My thought was to run the wire down the side of the trim, on the window side, and have their guys cover the wire with some form of molding.


Second concern is if we start trying to hollow out the door frame for a strike, do I have enough wood left to support the lock?


Or just install a mag lock and be done?




Undisclosed #1
Jun 07, 2018

Electrified leverset with an electrified hinge. Run the wire down the frame on the hinge side, connect to the electrified hinge, remove the glass in the door, bore the door from the hinge to the glass cutout and rout a channel for the wire to go around the glass and over to the lock, and install the lock.


A good locksmith can do this in his sleep.

Jay Hobdy
Jun 08, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Would running it up the hinge side still be viable if the hinge side has a window next to it?


Sean Patton
Jun 07, 2018

Are you replacing the door? Whats the point of EAC on a mostly glass wooden door? Is it for egress into the pool/patio area?

I'm genuinely not trying to be a jerk, I actually had a customer ask me to put a strike on a very similar door a couple years ago. I went down the same path as you for a day and then settled on telling them to replace the whole door and sidelights with something more securable with a strike.

Shannon Davis
Jun 07, 2018
IPVMU Certified

I would just use one the wireless locksets you find on the market today and one that will integrate into the security system. No sense in running wire to this considering I see the old ADEMCO transmitter above the door and probably can't get wire to this door very easy.

Undisclosed #2
Jun 08, 2018

Go old school and a mortise!

Ty Mullen
Jun 08, 2018
COR Security, Inc.

If you don't like the suggestions above you could also try this Securitron Power Jump.

Undisclosed #3
Jun 08, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Snow’s really coming down hard, eh?

Jay Hobdy
Jun 08, 2018
IPVMU Certified

This is an apartment community, and it is the pool area and fitness room. They want residents to be able to get into the fitness room/bathrooms directly from the pool area.


A Z wave type lock won't work because they do not lock automatically.


They are remodeling so some drywall repair may not be an issue.

Undisclosed Integrator #4
Jun 08, 2018

How large and what is the access control system you're installing?  You could use the Schlage NDE80 wireless locksets as either stand-alone or multiple sets on the network.  They can run directly to WiFi or Schlage's bridge and are set up through Schlage's Engage app on your mobile phone.  They're extremely user friendly.

Carl Kristoffersen
Jun 08, 2018

I would pull the trim and hide the wire behind it.


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