Subscriber Discussion

Is A 3d Badge Of Value?

John Saunders
Nov 02, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Would appreciate opinions ... if photo ID badge/access cards were produced with 3d imagery of the card holder for relatively the same price as present tech, would you see any value in that I the market place? The ones I have seen certainly are "prettier" but I don't think that matters a lot. I'm not sure they address any issues that exist with present photo ID badging, but I may be missing something. Much more difficult to copy/fake a pic, but is there a lot of that now?

Brian Rhodes
Nov 02, 2018
IPVMU Certified

By '3D', do you mean a hologram-like image? ie:

John Saunders
Nov 02, 2018
IPVMU Certified

The one I'm looking at isn't so much a hologram, and certainly isn't moving like your example. But it does have depth to it, because I believe they layer images, targeting left and right eyes. I have no doubt it is harder to reproduce, I'm just not convinced this is a huge issue in the industry.

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