Subscriber Discussion

What Is A Good Ratio Of Sales To Inventory?

Undisclosed #1
Nov 09, 2017

Hello All,

Since this place has professionals from all places, i have a question.

What is a good ratio or sales to inventory?  (1/3 , 2/3 , 1 Million in sales to 1 million inventory etc)

For Distributors (Tri-Ed, ADI etc.) ?

For OEM (Savvy, Nellys etc) ?

For Manufacturers (Dahua, ACTi etc)?

John Honovich
Nov 10, 2017

For manufacturers, Avigilon has 1.7 months of inventory ($56 million inventory currently, ~$400 million annual sales) and Axis has 1.2 months of inventory (809 million SEK, ~8,000 million SEK annual sales). Keep in mind, Axis has had a product shortage. In terms of sales to inventory ratio that would be from 7 to 1 to 10 to 1.

Good question, I don't that much here but hope those 2 data points help.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Nov 10, 2017

For distribution it's a function of their E.O.Q ( economic ordering quantity) model. This is a measurement of sales, Mfg lead times, and safety stock. This leads to that favorite discussion on inventory turns. Most inventory management people are measured on keeping their inventory turns high ( 4+). Depending on the item , turns could be as high as 6-7, if the OEM keeps a lot of inventory. The notion of " why use my money when I could use yours" always comes to mind.This creates more cash moving through the system. 

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