Subscriber Discussion

Illinois Police Can Now Fly Unarmed Drones Over Public Events

Carl Stoffers
Jun 19, 2023
IPVMU Certified

Illinois has implemented new regulations for the use of drones by law enforcement agencies, the Verge reports. Under the Drones as First Responders Act, which modifies a previous law, Illinois police can now fly drones over public events. However, they are prohibited from attaching weapons to drones except in specific situations, such as countering a terrorist attack or preventing imminent harm to life, and facial recognition can only be used under similar circumstances.

Illinois law enforcement can also employ drones to assist with infrastructure inspections and support first responders. The legislation requires law enforcement to destroy drone-collected data within 30 days, except when it is relevant to an investigation. Notably, information collected by drones cannot be sold.

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Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jun 20, 2023

***** *** ********* ******* ** ******** (Dem *********** ************* *** ***** ******** approval *******), * ***** ** ***** take * **** *********** ***** *** Illinois ** *** *******. **** ** enough *** **** ** *** **** are ****** ******** ** ***** ******* causing ******** **** ****, ************ ** Chicago.

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